You are hereNovember's Top Picks
November's Top Picks
Five pages of our pointless content for November, including Zombie Week:
- 36 comments, 186 reads - October's Top Picks
- Blew away the top entries in both categories.
- 123 reads - Lining up for Gears of War 2
- 118 reads - Bring on the Keflings!
- 115 reads - I gotta ask...
Our top three read counts are all over 100 again. Coxxorz's adventure in midnight openings, MoriceRevek's much abused Keflings review (both author and review), and Akufadumamai totally missing the point of Zombie Week. Really, what's with that?
- 20 comments - Once again for Coxxorz
- 18 comments - Bring on the Keflings!
- 16 comments - Swag's Classic Clip: J.C.V.D. Trailer!
We love you Jean-Claude! I mean that. This would have been a Half-pint pick if it hadn't ended up here. MoriceRevek's Kefling review again and, of course, you are all
riff-raff, I mean,rift-raft, ... sigh..., I mean truly, fittingly, Herd of Cats. - Lest we forget ...
- Thank you.
- What is this "revive" you speak of?
- It's HoC, what else did you expect?
- So is Left 4 Dead worth the full price purchase???
- What are you still sitting there for? Go buy it! Right now! Whoever said you could finish the whole game in 2 hours was lying.
Disqualified Story, no reason:
Top November Stories by Read count:
Top November Stories by Comments:
Half-pint's top picks:
Top Numbers from previous months:
- October: 19 comments, 129 reads
September: 21 comments, 132 reads.
August: 16 comments, 141 reads.
- Login to post comments
- 367 reads
My Classic Clip feature is getting some respect....I hope.
And it now has 20 comments, and will get at least one more from Noir when he sees the movie. So my thread should win.
Everyone go see JCVD!
comment added to the JCVD thread.
The only thing worse than the site's irrelevance is quantifying its irrelevance.