You are hereLeft 4 Dead - 19 Way to Survive Zombie Hell

Left 4 Dead - 19 Way to Survive Zombie Hell

By Q-Bert - Posted on 07 December 2008

Perhaps it's a bit too late now ?

Read all about it at GamePro. (Notice Revek on the left...)

Noir's picture

I have a couple pro tips to add. Since I own Zombies on a regular basis these days.

1) Melee attack is your friend:

-When your friend is getting pulled from the Smoker, just melee him.
-When a Hunter is leaping right at you, just melee him in mid air.
-When a Boomer runs the corner, just melee him and wait till he stumbles back a ways, then shoot him.
-When a Tank ... uhhh, well, just run, no melee for Tanks or Witches.

2) If you are a Tank, knock people off ledges if at all possible.

-Nothing is greater then simply knocking Survivors off ledges for auto-kills.

3) If there is a car with an alarm, try to force the Survivors to trigger it (same for Witches).

-Like standing near it as a Boomer, or Smoker.

4) When the Boomer is dead, it's time to move.

- The best time to pick up the pace as the Survivors is when the Boomer gets killed. Then you can group up tight and run.

That is all, happy hunting.

Akuf's picture

"Since I own Zombies on a regular basis these days."

Is that what they call these days?

1) Melee attack is your friend:
Translation: Spank your [You know what]

When your friend is getting pulled from the Smoker, just melee him.
This proves my first statement in the post.

As for the rest I am trying to make an effort of being politically correct and not offensive those of you who know me well will know how my mind works (I feel sorry for you) so I think you can accurate assume how I would translate the rest of Noir's post.

No offence Noir but I think you are taking over Revek's position of being picked on at least by me anyway.

MauriceRevek's picture

Let me count the ways.

Wow, I think there are at least 7 Reveks in that post alone. You must be using IE. Only IE has no intergrated spell check that could allow such Revekness.

At least, that is my excuse.

Akuf's picture

You obviously have not figured out that I am reveking on purpose.

And I am Using firecox btw

Q-Bert's picture

And I use Safari.... which puts little squiggles under the misspelt words.

So, reveking the reveks done by Revek is easy. :-)

Stormblade's picture


Coxxorz's picture

I'm boycotting sites that force you to click again to see the content you want. Worse than popups.

Stormblade's picture

The link sucks. Period.

Noir's picture

Remember that RickRoll incident a while back? Why did that happen to everyone but me and Swah? Because you where all using shitty browsers like Safari or IE.

I got no ads, thanks to the glory and perfection of the Opera Browser.

PS: Opera 10 is coming out damn soon!

Stormblade's picture

You may be one of the 10 people on the planet that use Opera for anything, but those of us with Firefox (by far the best browser) or Safari (meh) or, for God's sake, IE (NO!!) find that sites actually bother to display ads aimed at our browsers.

The Rickroll thing happened because your crappy browser can't detect issues that arise with browsers people actually use.

Q-Bert's picture

It doesn't do that to me. You must be on an "annoy at any cost" list.

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