You are hereReally? They knew the whole time?

Really? They knew the whole time?

By Blackwalt - Posted on 16 December 2008

I am shocked!

Well, no, not really. I suspect making a profit was more important on Microsoft's list of things to do.

Apparently Microsoft knew about the Xbox 360's disc scratching problems well before the console was launched.

    There are also allegations that the company considered and rejected three possible solutions to this issue before the console was released: the first solution would have increased the magnetic force of the disc holder was rejected because, "it would allegedly interfere with the mechanism that opened and closed the disc tray,"; the second would have required slowing disc rotation speed to 8x, but was ruled against because it would have apparently increased loading times; the final solution would have involved installing soft patches called "bumpers" (routinely used in other consumer optical disc drives), but was deemed too costly to implement at $0.50 per console.

A Troll's picture

but the article says it happens while moving the disc while in use. I would think that common sense should prevent a person from doing this. I do not move my DVD players while they are operating and it never occurred to me to move my X-BOX while it is operating.

Does anybody here move their X-BOX while it is operating?

Stormblade's picture

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Akuf's picture

Right Revek?

MauriceRevek's picture

Yes, it happened to me on the Halo 3 Lan party help at Q-Berts place last year I think. I had an x-box laying flat with a CD inside, powered on, and needed to make room on the table for another person. So I picked up the x-box, very delicatly I should add, and tilted it to set it on its side. It did not take long for me to start hearing grinding noises.

While I do agree that for the most part, once you set up your x-box, it is not going to move from that location, it does happen where you will change its orientation. When you are doing something like a lan party, where you are moving your x-box, and will probably change its orientaton as more people arrive and need space, this is where you have to be vigilant and pay attention when you put your hands on an x-box. Especially if it is someone elses. Always verify if it is on, and shut it off before you pick it up.

Coxxorz's picture

For those of you who have to replace somebody's copy of Halo 3 after scratching it, why not buy them a copy of the Legendary Edition, currently on sale at Toys 'R' Us for $35? Or if you can wait, the regular edition should go on sale for $20 during Boxing "Week".

Noir's picture


MauriceRevek's picture

So I had to spend another $60 on a second copy of Halo3 because MS did not want to spend $0.50 on little bumpers.

I think we need another class action.

Coxxorz's picture

They got their comeuppance with the RRoD fiasco. free replacement consoles for everybody! Take that, Bill Gates. Or should we call you "50-cent" now?

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