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Zoey: the truth is out there.

By Blackwalt - Posted on 20 December 2008

Sorry MoriceRevek but I'd rather look at her

Turns out that the Zoey character model from Left 4 Dead, traditionally played for us by MoriceRevek, is based on a real person. Sonja Kinski. Yes, the daughter of Natassja Kinski which may explain her looks.

Don't worry Revek, I am sure she won't replace you in our hearts. Wait... oh... whoops... too late. I guess she will then. Sorry.

Although Zoey's character is not voiced by Sonja Kinski but Jen Taylor who you may recognize as the voice of Cortana in the Halo series.

    Now, if you're wondering who Zoey's model is based on, then wonder no more. Zoey is based on one Sonja Kinski, daughter of the actress Natassja Kinski. Sonja is herself an actress, having starred in the indie film All God's Children Can Dance, which is based on a short story by Haruki Murakami in which she appears in various states of undress for much of the movie.

Noir's picture

You know that Zoey is a mutant with 15 fingers in the No Mercy campaign poster, right?

Coxxorz's picture


Noir's picture

Zoeys hands where photoshopped incorrectly. She has 3 sets (two right hands)

Stormblade's picture

I wasn't looking at her hands.

Akuf's picture

Well honestly I wasn't looking at anything (in the game) however I will agree the real girl I was looking at her hand but in a different sense.

ie 'She has nice hands' I think Revek understands my reference

A Troll's picture

as she had a very nice figure.

Coxxorz's picture

Her voice, ya goof.

Only a Californian could get turned on by the surgically enhanced body of a holograph of a fictional character in a video game.

A Troll's picture

real person that the based Cortana on.

Besides, this is nothing as opposed to you guys getting turned on by women so out of your league!

Coxxorz's picture

Except in our case, physical relations are at least hypothetically possible.

A Troll's picture

if you are rich, good looking and have the IQ of a twit. You don't have the IQ of a twit so you are out of luck. I don't know if you are rich or good looing, the others will have to chime in on those issues.

MauriceRevek's picture

I refuse to comment on this post as anything I may say will be turned against me, and I will cause the server to crash from the Aku script going into overdrive.

Akuf's picture

For Sonja,

Sorry Revek

Coxxorz's picture


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