You are hereXbox Live Gold for $38

Xbox Live Gold for $38

By Coxxorz - Posted on 05 January 2009

The Bargain Whore is back by popular demand! Since you asked for it (and if you didn't, shut up and post something already), here is the best deal going for Xbox Live subs (in Canada) right now: 12+1 months for $47.99.

Okay, technically that's not $38, but all you have to do is create a new Amazon account and pay with Visa, and enter the code MAPNEWNCSAVE at checkout for another $10 off.


Swag's picture

Too bad I don't have a visa card, or that nobody wants to play with me online :( (with the games that i have at least).

Oh well.

If you ever see deals for points cards please post those.

Blackwalt's picture

This is just what I was looking for and I just ordered one for $37.99 (plus tax).

I am kissing you next time I see you, and not a chaste one either, all wet and sloppy buddy, wet and sloppy.

PS- The best part of this is Q-Bert just spent pretty much the same amount of money for a 3 month card as a christmas gift.

Swag's picture

Those 3 months can go a long way.

By the way, did you say that you might have a copy of Crackdown at your workplace?

Blackwalt's picture

That I had it with me at the time and would loan it to you.

But we both forgot so I took it home.

Coxxorz's picture

He's not know for his math skillz, now is he?

A Troll's picture

especially if it is someone else spending the money!

HardW00D's picture

almost as great as the griffin mac surround sound thingy for $20....


Coxxorz's picture

Or I'll update your avatar.

Coxxorz's picture

I wonder where your 24" monitor went? Guess we'll never know.

A Troll's picture

It is just like the MAC itself, not good for much of anything.

Figured I would start the new year off  by starting a new MACs suck thread. And with Steve Jobs having a hormone imbalance, what does that say about the longevity of Apple?

Noir's picture

do it!

MauriceRevek's picture

Has he started menopause?

A Troll's picture

Maybe he needs to get more touchy feely like his machines.

Swag's picture


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