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Better than Vista

By Stormblade - Posted on 09 January 2009


Swag's picture

Is Hitler building Windows 7 from the ashes of Vista to make it a force one again, much like he did with the German economy, military and employment rate before WW2?

You know what happens when you put apples in concentration camps? They rot.

Noir's picture

funniest thing I have heard all week.

Akuf's picture
A Troll's picture

Did you know that when one runs out of things to be able to argue about on a winning level that the lesser peoples and entities will resort to ridiculing their opponent so as to distract others from the fact that they are in an un-winnable situation?

Just like Apple does! Just posting the facts.

Noir's picture

goes for Xbox.

A Troll's picture

I don't pay attention to it as I just don't really care, but I thought I had read that somewhere.

Stormblade's picture

Since I use both on a regular basis and am well positioned to see first hand just how weak Windows is compared to OS X on a daily basis, all I feel is pity.

And Apple won years ago, most people just haven't realized it yet.

MauriceRevek's picture

How well Apple fares with Jobs gone. As I recall, when he was not there, Apple almost went bankrupt.

Swag's picture

resides solely with one man. What a terrible business model.

A Troll's picture


Coxxorz's picture

There's another company built on the power of one man.

A Troll's picture

Plus M$ has never been in financial duress since it's early days. Something Apple cannot say until it came out with the iPod.

Coxxorz's picture

I guess Apple had it tough because they did it the old-fashioned way... by innovating.

MauriceRevek's picture

Back int he days of the Apple IIa-b-c-d-e etc... I think it was their reffusal to open the architecture when the PC started coming out that sent them into a tailspin. Overpriced machines that were quickly loosing out to the easy to build kits of the XT, AT, 386, 486.

Coxxorz's picture

That their overpriced machines now account for 21% of the US consumer market.

A Troll's picture

And how many years have they been in business and they only have that much market share?

Coxxorz's picture

And how many years have they been in business again?

A Troll's picture

You are just trying to deflect from the obvious. Are you really a spin maker?

Coxxorz's picture

That's 100% more than you!

A Troll's picture

That explains things but you are still deflecting from the subject.

MauriceRevek's picture

That he was spinning away from the subject.

Coxxorz's picture

Or towards a different subject. See? I'm always on.

Noir's picture

that the population of the U.S.A. is becoming dumber. Might help explain that trend. :)

Although, Obama is planning on bringing education and science back, which would be nice.

A Troll's picture

and in reality what is happening here is happening everywhere that has a sizable immigrant population. Also, the US Media machine is not going to report anything positive such as kids coming out of high school and into college are actually doing better than their peers of 30 years ago.

You should also factor into the recipe the fact that the amount of knowledge a person needs to survive in the modern World is progressing at a faster rate than in anytime in the history of man kind.

Swag's picture

It's called Ad hominim - Attacking the individual instead of the argument.

Coxxorz's picture

I guess Stormblade hit a nerve there.

Poor Vista user...

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