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I knew they were real!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 29 January 2009

I knew it!

There is an imminent Zombie attack in Austin, Texas. Which would seem odd cause I am thinking (as a potential Zombie) that I wouldn't want to raise an attack in a state that is so heavily armed. I'm thinking Canada would be a safer target. All you would be facing there would be hockey sticks and maple syrup. Oooo, spy maple syrup!

Some of the best comments came from the site supervisor:

    ...the hacker broke into the panels on each sign and bypassed the passwords before leaving five different zombie messages and even changing one of the passwords. Jones said he had to wait until 8 a.m. to call the manufacturing company to figure out how to override the hacker’s work.
    ...He speculated that the hacker could be a computer genius from UT.

In this case being a computer genius means that you can surf the internet to pick up this incredibly complex coding hack:

    "Hold “Control” and “Shift” and while holding, enter “DIPY”. This will reset the sign and reset the password to “DOTS” in the process. You’re in!"

Coxxorz's picture

Actually, the surprising thing is that it never occurred to them to just shut off the sign.

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