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Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage
The first DLC for Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage basically is a new quest to the regular game.
I have not finished the regular game as of yet. But I would guess if you did you will need to load a previous save.
The story behind it is the liberation of Anchorage Alaska from the Communists Chinese. If you played the regular game I am sure you have seen the 'newspaper' pictures during the load screens. Also there is some amusing things about the annexation of Canada.
The game itself is rather linear and gave me a sense of playing Half-Life 2. It has not role playing elements to it at all, it is more of a 'shooter' type game than anything else. The first thing you will notice is, there are no 'item caches' there are 'refuel stations' which is kind of irritating because playing the regular game when you are running low on health you could 'quick key' the stimpak and quickly restore it. Where as this your pretty much SoL once you health runs out. Same goes for ammo.
Bethesda is infamous for having stupid AI. I mentioned earlier that it reminded me of Half-Life 2 except that the AI is pretty dumb and predictable. There was one point where my squad mate was basically in the crossfire walking around is if nothing was going on. He is also apparently invincible. The game isn't 'squad based' but it's still ok except that squad mate basically is as dumb as a post. But it is a video game I know.
It cost 800pts (~$10) is it worth it? I would say no because it only has about 4 hours of game play and it really doesn't add anything significant to Fallout 3 itself. Except for a few new weapons (gauss rifle, pistol) and the ultra cool Chinese stealth armor.
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When you get to the 'end game'
The general is one tough cookie to kill.
And you are better off using the weapon configuration that includes an assault rifle.
But here is where it is irritating. If you accidentally hit one of power armor NPCs. They will all turn against you. Be careful.
How I finally beat him was kill all of his soldiers first. Though this is very hard given that you have limited ammo.
But if you hit one of your 'allies' you are screwed!
I've been thinking of getting this, but since it's so short I will probably hold it off for a while (I'm still only level 7 or something in the main game anyway).
There are also two other expansions coming out (one this month, one next), so I hope that they just combine them and lower the price a bit after they are all released, then I'll pick them up. I also hear that the next expansion will increase the level cap to 30.
Damn DLC stuff never goes on sale though.....
Bethesda is also known for terrible animation, just look at your character walking the 3rd person view....ugh.