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Going to the movies

By MauriceRevek - Posted on 02 February 2009

A conversation with Q-Bert about planning for a movie this week:

Q-Bert says:
MoriceRevek says:
Q-Bert says:
Watcha doin' wednesday ?
MoriceRevek says:
no plans I tink
Q-Bert says:
Cool, write me in.
Q-Bert says:
MoriceRevek says:
comin overÉ
Q-Bert says:
Pebbles and Guba are going out.
Q-Bert says:
BlackWalt is babysitting.
Q-Bert says:
So I'm free.
MoriceRevek says:
want to see movie or RB?
Q-Bert says:
Yeah, I would come over with my stuff.
Q-Bert says:
Hmmm, let's see... movie or RB ....
MoriceRevek says:
want to pick up swag as well?
Q-Bert says:
- checks the films -
MoriceRevek says:
Taken is out
MoriceRevek says:
the new Liam Neesin movie
Q-Bert says:
I heard that "Milk" is good.
MoriceRevek says:
yes, what kind of movie though. If chick flick, I aint goin with you.
Q-Bert says:
LOL, gay rights with Sean Penn...
MoriceRevek says:
I'll pass
Q-Bert says:
scored 93%.
MoriceRevek says:
2 guys going together to see a movie about gay rights.. Definatly pass.
Q-Bert says:
Q-Bert says:
it would make a great HoC article

Noir's picture

I didn't mind Taken. If those are the two choices, go with Taken for sure.

I have also seen Slumdog Millionaire, wasn't a fan of it.

Oh and the new Underworld was ok.

Akuf's picture
Coxxorz's picture

"Definatly pass" indeed.

Blackwalt's picture

Admittedly when you take care of your kids, it is babysitting.

When I take care of my son it is parenting.

You should look into it.

Q-Bert's picture

... Mr. Legoman.

Noir's picture

Teaching your child lego is like teaching them about the way our society is built, piece by piece. Some things in this world are built with no imagination using only regular blocks (aka. crap from the US) while other things are built with awesomeness in mind (aka. Japanese stuff)

Let us not forget other important things that Lego teaches us:
-Sharing (the blocks)
-Social skills (everyone loves to get together to play lego)
-Fighting (it happens)
-IMAGINATION (something children these days lack for the most part)
-Gravitational constant
-Following instructions (key for the kids university Ikea furniture)
-Destruction (and the pain it brings)
-Quantum mechanics

Really, the list could go on and on but I will stop it there.

Noir's picture

Not sure how ALL of you took this post so seriously. I thought for sure adding Quantum mechanics would have given it away as being sarcastic.

Coxxorz's picture

I LOLed at "Gravitational Constant".

A Troll's picture

I won't even comment on the crap from the US statement as the statement itself is crap.

It has been a few years since college, more then a few really, but  how do blocks teach a child about Gravitational  constants? Are they moving or are we measuring the fall rate?

As for Entropy are these blocks energized or are you trying to refer to the chaos of a bunch of blocks dumped on the floor?

Coxxorz's picture

Now you've gone and awakened the Troll. Next he's gonna tell us that an American was the first to fly.

A Troll's picture

plaid wearing heathen.

MauriceRevek's picture

With plaid? It's a great color.

Coxxorz's picture

Although it's a painful lesson to learn with lego.

Akuf's picture

He actually knows what to do.

MauriceRevek's picture

The smooth blocks

Akuf's picture

Does lego teach you patients?
I guess if you become a doctor perhaps. Is there a lego nurses set?

Stormblade's picture

My understanding of him becomes clearer. It is also becoming clearer that he needs to seek help before it's too late. Although that may already be pointless advice.

Noir's picture

by giving me your psychiatrist's number. Thanks

MauriceRevek's picture

He ate the brain of his last one a long time ago. He thought it would make him smarter.

Don't think it worked. Inteligence saving throw failed.

Stormblade's picture


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