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Mattel Mindflex...

By Akuf - Posted on 07 February 2009

I can see HoC trying to incorporate this into HoC Nite

Or at least try

A Troll's picture

as the ball would never move.

Coxxorz's picture

One step closer to killing Blackwalt with my mind.

Blackwalt's picture

Stormblade would no longer be with us.

Trust me.

Although I thought it had worked for a while...

And no, I haven't stopped trying.

Stormblade's picture

I know how to mentally duck, dodge and weave.

Coxxorz's picture

Can you parry, thrust, ho?

MauriceRevek's picture

or Abbott.

Who's on first?

Akuf's picture

I think I speak for everyone when I say: WTF?

Stormblade's picture

I know what he's talking about.

Time to go shoot myself.

MauriceRevek's picture

At least somebody would get it.

For Aku: That was how Costello used to greet Abott:

Heeeeyyy Abboooott!

If you say it fast, it sounds like: Heeeeyy yeah-but!

That was the Who's on first reference. The routine they did about Who's on first, What's on Second, and I don't know is on third.

Akuf's picture

I just don't understand it is relevant

Stormblade's picture

Looking for logic where none exists.

Stop that.

Coxxorz's picture

It's like asking a cat why it crapped directly beside the litterbox.

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