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Is this sad or hilarious?

By Blackwalt - Posted on 16 February 2009

Rolly! No Saints Row 2 for you! (not that this was an issue)

I'm pointing you to the Kotaku version, "I Know I'm Young, But I Plan To Be A Good Dad", where I first saw it.

    During the baby's first days out of the hospital, Patten and Steadman spent their time caring for the baby and playing Saints Row II. From UK tabloid The Sun.

That's 13-year-old father Alfie Patten and 15 year-old mother Chantelle Steadman!

What's the rating on Saints Row II again? The good parenting shown here (by Alfie and Chantelle's parents, not by them) may explain how a 13-year-old father Alfie Patten and 15 year-old mother reproduced...

Q-Bert's picture


Both Alfie and Chantelle and their week-old baby could face DNA tests to determine who the father really is.

Alfie, who was just 12 when Maisie Roxanne was conceived, said he wants a definitive answer to put his mind at rest after allegations surfaced that at least two other teenagers could be the baby's father.

Akuf's picture

I read some of the user comments. This one says it all

on e of the biggest selling tabloids in the UK. This isn't unusual. We have so so many teenage pregnancy's. This is just getting a bit more press than usual as the boy looks really really young. She's really really ugly but hey - you're only 13 once

Swag's picture


Coxxorz's picture

I think this will be exposed as a fake soon.

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