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Does anyone else

By Akuf - Posted on 12 March 2009

Smell a price drop coming?

Many retailers have the 360 on sale for $40-$50 off.
In past history this usually means a price drop is on the horizon.

The rumour mill also predicts a $100 price drop for the PS3 in April.

Coxxorz's picture

Speaking of price drop, I forgot to mention that the Xbox 360 Pro was $250 at Dell yesterday.

One day only.


Swag's picture

Please :(

Akuf's picture

Factory Direct $44.99 Live card

Not sure how they are managing that but hey.
And if memory serves there is one near your place on St. Laurent and Donald.

Swag's picture has it at 47.99$

And Best Buy has it on sale for 49.99$ (their site seems to be broken right now though...).

I just got it from best buy, since it takes 1-3 weeks to ship from amazon and I only have one week left.

On a related note, does anyone know that if I use the card that I bought right now, will it "over ride" the week that I have left, or should I wait till the last day to use it?

Coxxorz's picture

I believe you can even stack a couple of 12-month subs if you're worried about losing the card.

Coxxorz's picture

Although I find with them, xbox stuff sells out very fast. I doubt they would have any in stock.

Coxxorz's picture

- Closest to home: Future Shop/Best Buy sometimes has a Preferred Customer/Friends & Family sale with gaming accessories 10-15% off (reg. $60)
- Cheapest: has it for just $39US with free shipping in the USA
- Dell sometimes has it on sale for $49.99 free shipping (reg. $55)

- There are also XBL "starter kits" around that include an accessory or two, a year of Live and a couple game downloads for around $80, which is a good value if you need the crap (spare headset, chat keypad, webcam)
- was the best deal at $57-$10 coupon, but that special code has now expired.
- Xbox Live Gold 12 month subscription cards mostly come with 1 month free (13 months total)
- Xbox Live Gold sub cards from the US work in Canada, but MS points cards do not.
- Someone will probably mention a certain online auction site– be sure to ask them how to avoid being scammed. Also, eBay has recently cracked down on sellers who were emailing codes to avoid shipping costs. Bastards.

UPDATE: Costco in the US has it for $30US ENDING TODAY, in case American-only shipping is an option for you.

Dark Nightowl's picture

Invaluable information. Your ability to hunt down bargains is astounding.

On a side note...
Perhaps we should have a link on the side...


Coxxorz's picture

Then I'd have to keep it current. I prefer to annoy people with my Bargain Whore posts.

Coxxorz's picture

If you don't care about your Gamertag too much, just create a Silver account, and you'll be given a month of free Gold access. That'll give you more time to find a bargain.

Dark Nightowl's picture

Possible downside...
New gamer tag means new profile... which means any weapon/vehicle/powers etc. you unlock in your usual profile wouldn't be accessible from your new Gamertag.
You play for free online with at a possible disadvantage.
Still... playing online for free...

That's a valuable tip!

Coxxorz's picture

You will start over with Zero achievements, but it is an option for X-newbies. Which Swag clearly is, because any self-respecting X-Veteran will have at least one Live Gold card on hand as backup.

Swag's picture

Yeah, I usually check best buy/future shop/amazon/dell etc..

Just wondering if there was a place that I missed. actually had them for 45$ last week....but I missed that.

The problem that I have is that I got an email from microsoft saying that they will "automatically renew" my 3-month subscription that I have now, but I do not want that. And from what I can find out, you have to phone tech support to cancel it (since it was charged to my credit card first). There seems to be no way to cancel that stupid renew option...

Coxxorz's picture

I got dinged with that before... sucks to have to call. But they do reverse the charge if you have a renewal code. It wasn't an option before, but I'm pretty sure you can turn off the auto-renew. It might even be in the dashboard now.

Dark Nightowl's picture

I had a 1-year subscription card ready for use when I noticed the auto-renewal transaction notice in my spam folder... three weeks after the charge was made to my credit card.

I called LIVE support asking for the charge to be reversed and to use my subscription card. They gladly did that and walked me through the process of activating the card and changing my settings in the dashboard.

Added bonus... my account expiry time was 13 months (12+1 bonus) from the date I used the card.

Downside... having to call support and waste time on the phone

Upshot... three weeks of free Gold service.

Coxxorz's picture

They didn't prorate you for the used time? I can't remember if I got it free or not. Maybe if you're under a month you're okay.

Dark Nightowl's picture

I was expecting to get dinged but was pleasantly surprised.


Akuf's picture

I knew that which is what inspired me to post.

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