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Well now...

By Akuf - Posted on 15 March 2009

large eveil dead musical .jpg

My Statiscally significant other (aka chin up girl) came over this afternoon to go for a coffee @ buckies.
Though I was busy composing the dancing with succubi (writing a song), she once again says I want to show you something so I (eyes rolling) said ok.

She said we should go see this, this week. Well of course I LOLed because for some reason I thought of HoC night out I just won't tell you guys when we go see it.

Ok off to buckies.

Swag's picture

This thread needs more pics.

Coxxorz's picture

It's probably because of some ludicrous sexual position she invented.

Stormblade's picture

It's because he first met her when she was doing chin-ups at the gym and he was impressed. Even I remember that story (although I'm not searching for the node right now).

Akuf's picture

This is why I call her chinup girl


This is one of the reasons she is my statistically significant other

Though coxxorz gave me an interesting idea that I haven't thought of....Thanks!

Holy Crap! looking at the thread date Oct 23, 2008???

Coxxorz's picture

I vaguely remember that story.

Yeah, this is like a frigging golden anniversary for you!

Coxxorz's picture

"Longest running Canadian show of the past 15 years"? Interesting.

Sounds like fun, but I don't think I can take Wednesday off to go to South Korea.

Akuf's picture

Kailash Mital Theatre (formerly Alumni Theatre), Carleton University

And maybe you can qualify for the senior discount.

Coxxorz's picture

And you can blame Blackwalt for being the reason people don't click on tiny thumbnail images anymore.

Akuf's picture

I searched youtube for fun... I highly recommend WARNING extreme language.

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