You are hereHow my Life Sucks - Part 2657
How my Life Sucks - Part 2657
I went to lunch today with some co-workers. It was me and 7 women from the department. Of course, the question arrises, so how does it feel to be out with your harem. Ha ha, laugh laugh, funny joke. After our meal, the waiter comes around asks us if we want some cofee or tea. I say no initially until he describes the tea. It is an Iranian tea, which is similar to Earl Gray with cardamon seeds. Intrigued, I order a cup. 5 minutes later the waiter comes around.
Waiter: Here is your tea.
Me: Thank you.
Waiter: Oh and by the way, I owe you a date.
Me: [Blink] [Blink] [frozen] [wide eyed bewildered look on my face]
Waiter: A date to go with your tea.
Me: Oh, you mean like a dried fig.
Waiter: Yes. (Accoding to women at table, a disapointed look on his face.)
[Waiter leaves]
Co-worker sitting accross from me: You know, I think he is gay, and that was probably his pick-up line.
And that is why my life sucks, number 2657.
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People who work in the service industry weren't allowed to drink.
See you keep posting stuff like this and what are the rest of us supposed to think? I wasn't there (thankfully) but I would have made it obvious that I wasn't gay by playfully hitting on the harem.
What probably happened was buddy saw that you weren't hitting on them and moved in for the kill.
See I have worked in the service industry for many years. And I have pulled this same tactic with all kinds of women (married, single, whatever) and it works I always got that I wonder what his story is look. Some times they would ask when I was off. Some times they didn't but you can't win them all right?
I am leaving this one for Aku ...
you should prolly not put that out there... but thank you for doing so...makes for good entertainment once Aku gets a hold of it