You are hereNew HoC Shirt Design

New HoC Shirt Design

By Coxxorz - Posted on 27 March 2009

April Fool!Those of you familiar with Call of Duty: World at War will probably recognize this symbol. Especially those who have played any Zombie mode with Graybush or myself.

So here's our little way of helping you communicate your status to friends & family: The official HoC "Revive Me" shirt!

Feeling a bit under the weather? Put on your Yellow Revive shirt. In a depression about losing your job and feel like you're about to do something drastic? You need the Red Revive shirt. There's even an orange option for those who can't decide.

Prices vary based on shirt style, and we can only have one of each shirt in the store because we're too cheap to buy a Business Account. So if there's a design you want on a specific shirt, email HalfPint and he'll hook you up.

Ice's picture

That would would work best on a baseball cap!

Coxxorz's picture


MauriceRevek's picture

1) Link to page 3 of merchandise from the main cafepress page is not working.

2) BBQ apron really needs a flame thrower on it.

3) Zombie page needs a zombie themed BBQ apron. Preferably a zombie on a BBQ cooking via flame-thrower, or high intensity flames from the BBQ.

Coxxorz's picture

1) Fixed, thanks.

2) Good idea. I'll see what I can do.

3) Ewww.

MauriceRevek's picture

Being seen in public with this shirt by people who are not familiar with the game, may result if your face getting slapped.

Maybe you should put a prone body just bellow the flag, like the ones from the HOC L4D poster.

Akuf's picture

I think for certain members of HoC that arrow should be a little lower...

Graybush's picture

I was thinking the same thing but I'm glad Aku was the one to say it.

Coxxorz's picture

I thought of that while I was doing it. But seeing as most of the people we play against online seem to be squeakers, I'd say that our target market is a bit... fragmented.

A Troll's picture

Since you quit playing COD 4, I never see you guys playing against the general public. Not that this is a bad thing, for both parties, but I don't think you need to worry about squeakers purchasing HOC goods.

Coxxorz's picture

"Fable Boy".

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