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NHL 3 on 3 Arcade Review

By Stormblade - Posted on 30 March 2009

This can't end wellThis can't end wellOk, so I am way behind on several game reviews I have meant to do. This is partly because I am working my ass off trying to finish up everything I need to do here before I leave. Mostly, it's just because I am lazy and prefer playing games to writing about them.

That being said, some of those I have played recently deserve some press. The first of these is NHL 3 on 3 Arcade. I have to thank Aku for bringing this game to my attention. This came after a conversation I had with him regarding the lack of 'arcade feel' to the recent crop of hockey games. I have been enjoying them less and less because they are becoming more and more realistic. As Blackwalt can attest to, the NHL games of the mid 90's were the most fun. A bunch of guys (and gals) could get together, drink heavily and laugh themselves senseless playing those games. Guba sitting on the edge of the couch, screaming 'AAAALLLLL!!' as her Al MacInnis character crushes a hapless opponent into the boards comes to mind.

So Aku found an article on the upcoming NHL 3 on 3 Arcade game. It sounded to me like the style of game I was looking for. A pond hockey game aimed at just providing mindless fun, as opposed near simulation status of the current breed of hockey games.

So what is it? Well it's essentially pond hockey with a selection of NHL stars available. They're broken up into 'Red' and 'Blue' teams, which are essentially Eastern and Western All-Stars (some weird additions and omissions - Jeremy Roenick??). There are three player types - small and fast, big and slow, average. You also pick a golie. The players don't seem to have characteristics relating to the player you pick. In other words, Chara (big and slow) is no different from Weber (big and slow), Crosby (average) is similar to Roenick (average), and so on. So you pick your team based on the combination of player types that works for you. I tend to have one of each. You also select a goalie. Mine is always Brodeur, but again, it doesn't seem to make a difference.

There are a bunch of settings you can change (period length, goals per game, etc.) The most significant of these is the 'Power-Ups' selection.

Was that a banana?

You can play the game like pond hockey. No lines, no rules, but otherwise just hockey. Or, you can add Power-Ups. These are little perks that show up after a bone-crushing hit. There were several of these that heavily impact the game, as well as being humourous and entertaining. Banana peels, player freeze, lightning skates, power shot, and mini goalie are just some of these. Added to this is the in-game commentary that accompanies them, which is almost as entertaining as the Power-Ups themselves.

The game is fast and fun, as long as you are prepared to suspend belief. I would really like to try this at a LAN party, where I believe its true strengths would shiine. Even so, it's just plain fun as a single player game. For those of you who would rather not play an 82 game season and playoffs.

Coxxorz's picture

I've already wasted $10 on downloadable content I'm never going to play again.

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