You are hereStormblade buys a Wii
Stormblade buys a Wii
The Xbox 360 just wasn't enough
"The Wii fit is the most advanced technology I have ever seen" states Stormblade.
In a shocking turn of events Stormblade has fallen under the sway of Swag and Noir and has ditched his Xbox 360 for a Wii.
"The HD from this thing is awesome" Stormblade said.
It has been difficult to get information from Stormblade as he refuses to leave his apartment. This would cause him to stop playing All Star Cheer Squad or Wii Music something he has sworn not to do for "at least a month man, the depth in Wii games is unbelievable. That Miyamoto is a genius."
Frankly, I now plan on purchasing a Wii on my way home.
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Oh yeah. Right.
He has seen the light.
Speaking of the Wii, I was playing Super Mario Galaxy on the weekend, and it's got to be one of the best games I've ever played. Why did I get a Xcrap 360 again?
I read the words 'Super Mario' and threw up a little in my mouth.