You are hereZombie Swamp!!!!

Zombie Swamp!!!!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 30 April 2009

Not at all related to Call of Duty.Not at all related to Call of Duty.YES!!!! More Call of Duty Zombie goodness

Activision and Treyarch have announced the upcoming release of the Call of Duty(R): World at War Map Pack 2.

Available this June the new content will contain ...yadda, yadda, yadda, who cares... and one new zombie map!

    In "Shi No Numa" (Zombie Swamp), Imperial Zombies rise from misty swamps in an all new co-op experience, with a level that features a mix of traps, flaming Hell Hounds, Perk machines and the deadly, new Wunderwaffe DG-2

Hell hounds! I can hardly wait.

Oh, and it will probably be overpriced for a single map but I'll still pay. I'll pay, I tell you, I'll pay. Mmmmm... Zombie goodness...

The full press release is available for your perusal.

Coxxorz's picture

You realize you now have to buy that movie as well.

Stormblade's picture

Like that's a surprise.

A Troll's picture

if you could not drink beer and play at the same time when it comes to zombies. Of course, I don't think a single, as in the opposite of two or more,  male on this site would play if they could not drink and play at the same time. Well, maybe Coxxorz would from the way you guys have talked about him in the past.

Stormblade's picture

to drink prune juice and play video games. Too many bathroom breaks.

MauriceRevek's picture

On whether or not you are wearing your depends tm.

Coxxorz's picture

That's bad, even for a Friday.

Coxxorz's picture

Hard to tell. I don't speak American.

A Troll's picture

I am the guy A Troll has out sourced to in India.

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