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Douanes (Border Crossing version francaise)

By Blackwalt - Posted on 11 May 2009

For Graybush and Stormblade

Stormblade and Graybush were a little quick on the trigger for the new Zombie DLC for Call of Duty: World at War. So much so, that they both ended up with the Canadian version. Or in Microsoft speak, the french version. So Graybush and Stormblade play CoD Zombie mode with French zombies, soldiers and narration.

Seems only fair that we provide them with a French Zombie HoC Live comic. By the way, they both claim Zombies are scarier in French. Who knows, it may very well be true.

Original english version available here.

Stormblade's picture

Since I crossed at Lacolle and played the role of stupid English guy from Ontario.

I find it works best in getting them to let you through quickly, especially if you have things over and above the normal.

Coxxorz's picture

I guess they're more benevolent if you let them feel superior, looking down their noses at a maudit tête carré.

Q-Bert's picture

So, it's maudite tête carrée.

But "Crisse d'anglo" would also have been accepted...

Stormblade's picture

I've been called both.

Amongst other things.

As a matter of fact, the 'Crisse' one has been frequently used in conjunction with other profanities in my case. For obvious reasons.

MauriceRevek's picture

That must have raised suspicion. What with a French name like LeFey.

"Hi. My name is LeFey. Morgana LeFey."

Stormblade's picture

And how did i get mixed into the Arthurian legend?

Is this a Kefling thing?

Akuf's picture

You are talking too. What better things does he have to do?

Graybush's picture

Thanks Blackwalt. Now get back to work.

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