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Millions swarm online to kill Nazi Zombies

By Blackwalt - Posted on 11 May 2009

Technically two is plural

Same pic as last story, I just moved it to the leftSame pic as last story, I just moved it to the leftWe mentioned last month that lots of people were not as resistant as Coxxorz to spending $10 for Zombies. That was when reported that Call of Duty®: World at War Map Pack 1 passed the one million download mark.

According to Treyarch the Call of Duty®: World at War Map Pack 1 has passed the two million download mark. I originally read this last week but just got around to posting it now.

No wonder they are rushing to get the Call of Duty®: World at War Map Pack 2 out this June.

Akuf's picture

I am not one in a million....hahaha

Coxxorz's picture

$10 x 2 million = $20 million for one map. Why the hell would they ever bother making another game? It's a license to print money every other month until the end of time.

Unless the next game is nothing but zombies, in which case – will we be ravenously downloading maps for "Human Mode"? Or maybe "Dog Mode", where as many unruly canines must be trained as possible, Barbara Woodhouse-style, before time runs out?

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