You are hereFine! Draw your own damn logo then!

Fine! Draw your own damn logo then!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 05 June 2009

Don't like it? You do it!

*UPDATE* All previous entries page available here. *UPDATE*

Unsatisfied with the new design? Pining for the days of old? (Last Friday) Who cares?

Time to take it into your own hands and put your money where your mouse is!

Design and draw your own Herd of Cats logo and submit it to the ultimate judge. Email your submissions to Half-pint at Halfpint{stupidemailsymbol} and prepare to be harshly judged. Cat litter or cat-nip? Only Half-pint knows.

You submit it and it becomes ours. We steal all your rights and abuse them by posting your submissions in the masthead in anonymous rotation for all to see. Prior to final judgment, of course.

Contest Rules: Same as always. No rules until we decide there are.

Prizes: Your own damn logo in the masthead to be know in infamy until we change it again. A 200 MS points card donated by Coxxorz who won it at the It Came From Colorado Lan after he donated it to the It Came From Colorado Lan which was funny as he can't seem to get rid of it and has decided it is cursed so we would rather one of you had it. We're generous that way.

Sample Half-pint pictures:

Blackwalt's picture

Now available.

For your viewing pleasure.

Blackwalt's picture

We'll post new entries whenever we damn well feel like.

And right now, I don't.

Stavr0's picture

Coxxorz's picture

And if we don't get more submissions soon, we're going to limit voting to only those who created a logo.

Swag's picture

and it's still not up :(

Blackwalt's picture

To a working email address.

As the judge did not receive it.

The hairball was coincidental.

Plus these things are on a (loose) schedule.

Swag's picture
Swag's picture

Not like there is anything else going on here.

Blackwalt's picture

That the biggest complaints about lack of content come from those that don't post content?

Coxxorz's picture


Although he's by far NOT the worst.

Coxxorz's picture

It's not like there's been a flood of entries. They would be in much faster rotation if there was.

Coxxorz's picture

The judge may be at the Vet.

MauriceRevek's picture

Nintencon. Who made it? Swag?

Swag's picture

Must have missed that there a gallery somewhere where we can see all of them so far?

Coxxorz's picture

Without giving away the designer of the current logo (at time of this posting), what the F does "HAT" have to do with anything?

MauriceRevek's picture


Coxxorz's picture


Blackwalt's picture
    We steal all your rights and abuse them by posting your submissions in the masthead in anonymous rotation for all to see.

So, yes, entries are anonymous. No kissing and telling, which shouldn't be too hard for most of you.

We aren't telling who did anything.

Swag's picture

who did it?

Coxxorz's picture

It's anonymous until after the voting is done.

Now get designing!!!

Swag's picture


Blackwalt's picture

Enter as often as you like.

Coxxorz's picture

of all these non-rules?

Blackwalt's picture

This would probably bother me less if i hadn't discussed the rules with you before posting them!

And if you could read, that would also be good.

Stavr0's picture

is for lampshade half-pint.

Blackwalt's picture

To the original DYODL story.

Just scroll up Revek.

Blackwalt's picture

Your logo design should look like Half-Pint, Half-pint-ish or have some vague connection. Kind of. Sorta.

A guess it is kind of rocket surgery.

Blackwalt's picture

Stormblade is obviously a moron.

Bonus points if you can work this into your logo design.

Coxxorz's picture

Today's entry doesn't look anything like Half-Pint. Is it Shadow?

Swag's picture

Didn't realize that it had to look like Half-Pint till right now.

And since I couldn't tell what it would look like on the banner, it now appears to look terrible. Sorry about that. I'll have to tweet the design I suppose. I can fix the aliasing issue if needed.

Blackwalt's picture

And it was a cat.

Coxxorz's picture

So according to the contest rules, it doesn't have to look like Half-Pint then?

Blackwalt's picture

Contest Rules: Same as always. No rules until we decide there are.

As soon as we decide that's a rule we'll put it in effect. It sounds like a pretty good rule. Or is it more of a guideline?

Coxxorz's picture

I'm asking for a ruling. Should the logo look like Half-Pint or not?

It's not rocket surgery.

Stormblade's picture

that you're both idiots?

Stormblade's picture

Just put the old one back. I am sure Half-Pint will like it better. He doesn't look like he's on death's door in that one.

Blackwalt's picture

Please move on to squeezing your rock.

Coxxorz's picture


Stormblade's picture


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