You are hereDubious Quality seems to be fixated on something

Dubious Quality seems to be fixated on something

By Blackwalt - Posted on 19 June 2009

I think he likes Red Faction: Guerilla

Three Separate entries:

  1. Red Faction: Guerilla (360) #2
      My two favorite games of the HD generation of consoles (excluding Rock Band) are Crackdown and Dead Rising. Both games had flaws, but they were incredibly fun to play ... Unless Red Faction absolutely collapses at the end, which I don't expect, it will join Crackdown and Dead Rising. It's that good.

  1. Red Faction: Guerilla (360) #3
      I can't remember the last time I played a game that was so consistently fun all the way through. The designers absolutely knew what they wanted this game to be, and they absolutely succeeded ... I've also decided that, going forward, every game should be required by law to have a jet pack. First-person shooter? Must have a jet pack. Cooking simulation? Must have a jet pack. Sports game? Must have a jet pack.
      It's not me. It's the law.

  • Gaming Links And Notes
      Starts with: Firstly, please go buy Red Faction: Guerilla. Immediately. I'll wait.
      Ends with: Oh, and did I mention that you need to buy buy Red Faction: Guerilla?

      And I have no idea what you are saying. Me? Fixated? Pshaw! That never happens.

    1. Swag's picture


      Blackwalt's picture

      ...if it came from someone who actually bought games.

      And if you don't like reading about it you might try... oh I don't know, posting something!

      About something you do like. If there is anything.

      Swag's picture

      But not ones that suck, of which there are plenty right now. Traditionally, may and june are the slowest months for the game industry.

      As for posting something, well, we all know what happens when I do that.

      Edit: Actually I just got 5 games, but they are not for the Xbox.

      Blackwalt's picture

      Of negative feedback from the clan?

      Under that criteria I am amazed that I can post at all.

      Feedback is part of it. POst and deal with it Nintendo boy!

      PS- your Super Nintendo game collection doesn't count.

      MauriceRevek's picture

      More because one the DisasterPiece one trick pony.

      Akuf's picture

      Am I the only one who does not understand this statement? More because one the DisasterPiece one trick pony.

      Q-Bert's picture

      If you hey ran in, right jib iron no....

      Akuf's picture

      some weird pig latin thing you guys made up?

      Malibu girl does that to me all the time really irritating. But she is still in her early 20s though I don't think that should be an excuse though.

      Blackwalt's picture

      ... the fact that you are dating Malibu Barbie.

      Just in case you didn't know, she's a plastic doll.

      Akuf's picture

      wow blackwalt got me!

      MauriceRevek's picture

      He is waiting for me to get it, totally ignore anything I sway about it, borrow it, then he will decide weather or not he should get it.

      Stormblade's picture

      There are way too many reveks in this thread. All of them from Revek himself. I think he won this year's Revek Award in this thread alone!

      Swag's picture

      It's not like he can't afford it.

      MauriceRevek's picture

      If blackwalt can report on some sales figures, it could give an indication a
      as to when the price will drop.

      Coxxorz's picture

      You think the price will drop when the publishers get wind of this?

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