You are hereHerd of Cats' Xbox 360 picture of the day – 06262009

Herd of Cats' Xbox 360 picture of the day – 06262009

By Blackwalt - Posted on 26 June 2009

And the flowers are still standing!

Well, shelves in this case. And floating not standing. But other than that it doesn't fit the quote at all.

This is in Red Faction: Guerilla where I had spent a few minutes destroying the building around the shelves. The building had been a high priority target.

I didn't notice the shelves until I drove back to the area 10-15 minutes later.

Swag's picture

And will a review be coming? Reviews generally make people buy games you know. And THQ needs some help, especially after their recent restructuring.

MauriceRevek's picture

Multiplayer: Halo with jump packs. Fun, not sure if the novelty will wear off yet.

Co-Op: None. Disapointing.

Zombie Mod: None. For shame. This would have been a perfect opportunity for Martian Zombies.

Single Player: Good, according to Mini-Gee.

I still don't know how to play Capture the Flag (note to admin: Updates to the lexicon should be reflected somewhere.) so I spent the entire time tunring around in circles picking belly button lint out with my riffle barrel. Don't worry, I had the safety on.

Coxxorz's picture

I'd like to try more multiplayer, but don't know when I'm available yet.

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