You are hereHappy Birthday (U Suck) dear Stormblade

Happy Birthday (U Suck) dear Stormblade

By Blackwalt - Posted on 31 July 2009

Updated: added a version of the flash with no audio for front page.
Click on read more to get the version with audio.

    This is my first Flash project ever and is based on the card below that I gave to Stormblade for his birthday.

    Here is the outside of the card: Yes that is the UPC code for The History Channel: Civil War, A Nation Divided. I knew you would recognize itHere is the outside of the card: Yes that is the UPC code for
    The History Channel: Civil War, A Nation Divided. I knew you would recognize it

    Here is the inside of the card: The digital version without signaturesHere is the inside of the card: The digital version without signatures

    Here is the inside of the card, signed: This is the analog version which I had to scan in. The barely visible squiggle on the left is Rolly's signature..Here is the inside of the card, signed: This is the analog version which I had to scan in.
    The barely visible squiggle on the left is Rolly's signature..

    And we bought Stormblade two items for his birthday. An Xbox 360 game and an Xbox 360 controller. Yes, I know. We were generous this year. Images of the items are shown below just so you can partake in his joy.

    I have no idea either: But it was on sale! And it has two player co-op.I have no idea either: But it was on sale! And it has two player co-op.

    It's beautiful!: And very, very pink. Very. Pink.It's beautiful!: And very, very pink. Very. Pink.

    The following shopping conversation between Coxxorz and Blackwalt may or may not have taken place exactly as recorded:

      Coxxorz: "Look, he's got pink controllers."
      Blackwalt: "Excellent" (grabbing one)
      Coxxorz: "You're buying one?" (with a very dubious look)
      Blackwalt: "It's for Stormblade!"
      Coxxorz: "Oh. Need any money?"
      Blackwalt: "No, I'm good."

    And as you all know:

    A gift isn't perfect until it's wrapped properly.

    Because he doesn't hate me enough.Because he doesn't hate me enough.

    Stormblade's picture

    How warm and fuzzy this made me feel inside.

    Really ... no idea ...

    MauriceRevek's picture

    I wish I would have known!

    Q-Bert's picture

    We don't really tell you about big events ....

    Oh, and Pebbles and I are married....

    Coxxorz's picture

    And you're fired.

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