You are hereHalf-pint status report: Strangely positive

Half-pint status report: Strangely positive

By Blackwalt - Posted on 24 August 2009

We aren't out of the woods yet
Not a Zombie!: Yet...Not a Zombie!: Yet...

So Half-pint is on Antibiotics and Painkillers. I haven't tested out the antibiotics, but the painkillers seem to have no zwtrthal at all. The vet said they were from the opiate family so I had emjful more.

Anyway, having provided Half-pint with a better type of maintenance food (no longer diet) he has rediscovered his appetite. He still has a disturbing habit (for him) of wandering away from a half full bowl but generally he has been emptying the bowl and eating more than previous weeks. Oooohh, purple.

In the past two days he has been trying to escape the house and has put in some time today beating up Guba's knapsack. Beating up knapsacks has always been one of his favourite things.

Have you ever looked, I mean just looked at your keyboard.

The swelling in his jaw has virtually disappeared. This has confused us as it was supposed to have been a bone growth but it's good news as far as I am concerned. We will have a another Vet appointment early next week to get his blood levels checked again.

Half-pint though seems to be doing better, much better than we had expected.

It is getting difficult to pill him as he has gained so much strength back. Earlier it was difficult to pill him because his jaw was swollen and it hurt him when we touched it. An improvement, I guess, but it is still next to impossible to pill him without having 17 more punctures added to my skin. I'm not stealing those painkillers just for recreation!

Here you go Dr. Coxxorz: As the expert you can translate it for us.Here you go Dr. Coxxorz: As the expert you can translate it for us.

Coxxorz's picture

Your cat needs an oil change, stat.

Akuf's picture

One of your probably thought I meant you didn't you.

MauriceRevek's picture

I don't get it

Coxxorz's picture


Akuf's picture

my warped sense of humour doesn't translate into text very well.

The initial 'Revek' was supposed to imply that Revek provides oil change for half pint. And since most of you (myself included) have your mind in the gutter...

Oh nevermind I give up...

MauriceRevek's picture

Don't get it

Akuf's picture

It has been a very long time since your last oil change.

MauriceRevek's picture

Last week. I always try to maintain my car in good wroking condition.

Akuf's picture

Qbert is gonna wipe his screen again

Q-Bert's picture

Screen wipes!

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