You are hereCoxxorz's Bargain Corner - 09052009
Coxxorz's Bargain Corner - 09052009
No really: Posted with permission of the author.This weekend, get 30% off your order at the UBIshop download store with the code FDPAX1.
Not that great of a deal (certainly not as great as the Arkham Asylum deal - whew! you shoulda been there), but it has some potential. Especially if you still play games on your PC. But there are some interesting bits on there, like the Rainbow Six Pack for $50, and classics like FarCry, as low as $10.
The observant among you (Stormblade?) will note that there is a Mac "section", complete with three (3!) games available for immediate download.
Deal ends Sunday.
(editor: please add a picture)
EDIT: In my laziness, forgot the link:
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