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Getting ready for the apocalypse

By Blackwalt - Posted on 05 September 2009

Because if you have nothing to mix with your rye, what's the point of surviving?

Guard zombie cat on dutyGuard zombie cat on dutySo as a different kind of Coxxorz's Bargain Corner Food Basics is having a sale on Coke. As you can tell I felt it was necessary to stock up. So I did.

18 cans for $3.97.

In a previous discussion with Coxxorz he told me how he would only buy 12 cans for $3.00 when they were on sale at that price and that he wouldn't bother with the Food Basics sale. I explained to him that 18 cans for $4 was a better deal than 12 cans for $3. After mumbling numbers to himself for a good two minutes he came up with "oh yeah." I still don't think he bought any, which Guba found particularly humorous as Food Basics is right next to his fracking house.

As it turned out, we only discovered this as it is the Food Basics store we went to.

The store flyer had a big LIMIT OF 4 pasted all over it. So when Guba and I arrived at the Coke Nirvana Aisle with two carts ready for two separate trips I was delighted to discover an additional hand written sign: No Limit.

My gasp of "no limits" was worthy of a Stanley Cup win. Guba swears she has never heard me say anything as blissfully as those two words... "NO LIMITS." (other than "I Do" of course).

We had brought the big car!

Yes! The CR-V was waiting outside! With all of it's extra storage! How many cases can one two of these carts hold? The kid will have to go, we need the room. He'll understand when he grows up.

Wait... I can leave his mother with him, how many extra cases is that?

Wait... she scares me. Nevermind. And she'll want to keep the kid. Darn it.

Wait... the reason we brought the big car was to carry the new furniture Guba wanted and it's already in the car!

NoooooO!!!!! The CR-V was already full!!!



"We're buying eight cases. Four each."

"Oh. Okay then. Six Coke and two diet Coke?"


"Let me load the carts."

So yes, two cases of Diet Coke. I am hoping that Guba survives the apocalypse as well. Honest.

Swag's picture

(long overdue in my mind)

Coxxorz's picture

Not to be stocked with, but as a building material.

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