You are hereSwag's thoughts on HerdofCats turning two
Swag's thoughts on HerdofCats turning two
Technically, one inmate did respond to the request for 2 year input.
And here it is, uneditted. Please note that I included a list of possible thoughts and topics to cover. Swag helpfully answered all of them as a questionnaire. Some of it may even be questionable. Hey, that's the joy of being random.
Favorite Story: More of less anything that involved Aku trying to pick up women.
Best Memory: How much people seemed to be interested in my sex life (the Egyptian Girl thread), or in that case lack thereof.
How I got drawn into HerdofCats: I was bored, or something.
What I liked about the site: Laughing at a bunch of old guy's meaningless lives. Being able to post stuff that I like. Making fun of people in general.
What I don't liked about the site: Threads don't get bumped up when new posts are made. This is problematic when you can't visit the site for several hours/days. Having dozens of posts about the same game over and over. Coxxorz's name sounds too much like a swear word.
Changes you would like to see: Ability to rate threads. Me becoming a moderator. Having a huge siren graphic when a female (read one of your wives) is on the site.
A commitment in blood to create more content: I try once in a while, but when it generates no response it is discouraging. Except for the aforementioned thread that is.
Favourite submission (by yourself): My post-modem report on Bioshock.
Biggest disappointment: My stupid brother leaving.
Favourite gaming moment in the past two years: Getting an Xbox I guess.
Where you want the site to go: Beyond good and evil.
Biggest gaming disappointment: None, I only get good games.
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More of less anything that involved Aku trying to pick up women.
What to you mean 'trying' that would imply that I am unsuccessful. I succeed more often than I fail.
but you have to try before you succeed, that's what I meant.
Threads don't get bumped up when new posts are made
Well there used to be a 'new post' page/section that would list everything. Someone decided to to get rid of it.
Funny, I never noticed that.
And that's not the site's fault, that's the gamertag I chose. Yes, in a fit of rage after having Fuxxorz banned, but I've got to live with it now. Or pay 800 MS points (real money) to change it to something worse. Your choice.
I've always thought of it as more of a medical condition than a swear word.
I've had people call me "Coxerz" or just "Cox" when there are ladies/children present in their gaming area. Both are acceptable.
I hope I don't get in any trouble for what I said, but I still stand by it. Thanks for posting this. I hope that someone else will follow my lead.
And I must comment on the 2 year "seal" that you made. The purple writing needs to be darker, at the least. It's hard to read at the moment.
I kid, I kid...
BTW, thanks, I never knew you such a big fan of mine.
WTF, happened to your brother anyway? Did he discover his left hand or something?
He's just lazy I guess.