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DisasterPiece on: HoC 2 Year anniversary

By Akuf - Posted on 08 September 2009

Ok it is not as verbose as the original. But, since seeing swag's questionnaire way of answering here is my response to HoC two anniversary.

favourite story:
- I must say it will have to be Swag's failed conquest of Egyptian Girl.

favourite story series
- My ongoing saga with Chin up girl. (too many links to post so I just included the first one)
- Blackwalt's constant demeaning of stormblade. (don't need to post links because I think almost every post does this)

best memory
- My classic cartoon making fun of Revek and Guitar Hero and winning comic of the year
- Stormblade's sad attempt at being Altair

how you got drawn into HerdofCats
- Didn't get drawn. Revek told me about it and I joined.

favourite gaming experience
- Watching Fungster88 get so excited when he wins and upset when he loses.

what you liked about the site
- Somewhere to go and poke fun at myself and others. And have others poke fun at me. Like when - you guys making fun of my misfortune forcing me to change my name from .Akufadumamai to DisasterPiece.

what you don't like about the site
- stormblade (I'm kidding, really I am please read previous comment).

changes you would like to see
- do you really want me to answer this?

a commitment in blood to create more content
- ok...

favourite submission (by yourself)
- All of them. But if I had to choose it would be: me as a vampire and my sumo wrestler days

biggest disappointment (relating to the site Revek!)
- Revek....haha couldn't resist that
- Swag's failure with Egyptian girl... I tried really I did.

where you want the site to go
- to the .com domain...haha..couldn't resist.
- Mobile maybe?

favourite gaming moment in the past two years
- LAN party at blackwalt's when stormblade was in town. When you guys really wanted me to stay.
- Getting Batman Arkham asylum for $7.67 with a print out of HoC's thread.

biggest gaming disappointment
- GTA4 and listening to you guys as opposed to my instincts...grrr....
- My first RROD

Swag's picture

that you picked a post of mine twice, but I prefer the term "unsuccessful" rather than "failed". It's less negative.

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