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By Blackwalt - Posted on 09 September 2009

More fascinating statistics provided to us by Q-Bert

I think it's because he loves us. Or hates us. It's too close to call. It may also have been because I asked for them.

And as Top Ten's are just too lame for Herd of Cats here is:

Herd of Cats' Top Twenty Five Lists celebrating our Two Year Anniversary!


  1. I didn't check any of the links but they should all work
  2. This would look better if OL still indented text. Q-Bert says it still does (flying in the face of the evidence) but as you can see it doesn't. Maybe someday he'll fix it
  3. this list wasn't remotely formatted when I received it. Just saying.

And now, with out further ado! On to the lists!

This is where you click on read more »

Herd of Cats' Top Twenty Five most read stories:

  1. 7226 reads Shaundi: more than just a voice - Yes, it's as close to porn as we get with the Virtual Vixen Shaundi from Saints Row 2 making it into Playboy.Woohoo! I win!Woohoo! I win!
  2. 2964 reads A Masterpiece from HoC Productions
  3. 2679 reads HoC Periodic Table of Xbox Games - Elements/Games list
  4. 2437 reads Games
  5. 1744 reads Saint's Row 2 was a lot of fun
  6. 1560 reads Battlefield: Bad Company and weapon unlocks
  7. 1499 reads Live Status Page 3.0
  8. 1190 reads Live Status Page 2.2
  9. 906 reads Zombie Swamp!!!!
  10. 894 reads New Zombie Map – overhead view
  11. 890 reads The Saints Row 2 Tornado ruined my weekend
  12. 857 reads BREAKING NEWS: Swag has a date tomorrow, needs advice, viagra.
  13. 850 reads Left 4 Dead co-op LAN party – Nov. 21st
  14. 789 reads Barnstorming: Saints Row 2 flying 101
  15. 774 reads "He is his father's son!"
  16. 711 reads Call of Duty WaW — Shi No Numa
  17. 707 reads Herd of Cats Lexicon of Death
  18. 699 reads New Nazi Zombie map in CoD: WaW downloadable content
  19. 672 reads Zoey: the truth is out there.
  20. 465 reads Plans for the Zombie Apocalypse
  21. 463 reads Fine! Draw your own damn logo then!
  22. 452 reads Caprica Review...
  23. 449 reads Never go one-on-one with a Smoker zombie by yourself
  24. 381 reads Zombie Factory – Der Riese
  25. 381 reads First RROD?

Perhaps not so strangely, our Top Twenty Five most read is dominated by scantily clad women and video games. The top story had both! Saints Row 2 and Call of Duty: World at War Zombies were the most popular topics. Blackwalt (duh) posted the most articles but Coxxorz, Swag and Disasterpiece were all represented.

The Number One most read story had 7226 reads. Number Two had 2964. That's quite a drop off. The last two stories in the list tied with 381 reads.

Herd of Cats' Top Twenty Five most commented stories:

  1. 70 commentsBREAKING NEWS: Swag has a date tomorrow, needs advice, viagra.HoC wants me!HoC wants me!
  2. 52 commentsQ-Bert has pneumonia
  3. 52 commentsNow I really want that iPod touch
  4. 43 commentsGames
  5. 39 commentsSwag's Classic Clip: J.C.V.D. Trailer!
  6. 39 commentsFine! Draw your own damn logo then!
  7. 38 commentsAll things happen in 3s
  8. 37 commentsHOC Night!
  9. 36 commentsOctober's Top Picks
  10. 34 commentsThe Herd of Cats 2008 Pintsie Awards!
  11. 32 commentsPlans for the Zombie Apocalypse
  12. 32 commentsThis is so bad...
  13. 28 commentsSaturday Night's alright for...
  14. 27 commentsThe new Mac hotness
  15. 27 commentsFirst RROD?
  16. 26 commentsBetter than Vista
  17. 26 commentsSaints Row 2: A review
  18. 26 commentsDarwinism in action
  19. 26 commentsI blame Coxxorz for making me a winner.
  20. 25 commentsRequest: Burnout Paradise
  21. 25 commentsFar... far... far... far... far... away...
  22. 25 commentsRevek could have saved himself some pain
  23. 24 commentsJumping the gun
  24. 24 commentsA Masterpiece from HoC Productions
  25. 23 commentsXbox Live 12+1 months for $30!!!

Good to see that there wasn't a lot of duplication from the most read list, some but not a lot. Its also good to see that these stories were not only posted by multiple contributers but commented by multiple contributors as well. A good representation of Herd of Cats across the board.

Herd of Cats' Top Twenty Five stories by size (I am assuming the numbers are bytes or characters):

  1. 25381Saint's Row 2 was a lot of funStreaker: A Megan Fox look-a-like and a Lobo look-a-like pose with a random streakerStreaker: A Megan Fox look-a-like and a Lobo look-a-like pose with a random streaker
  2. 22622HoC Periodic Table of Xbox Games - Elements/Games list
  3. 17708Army of Two really quite good.
  4. 10375Co-op Day #5 — Resident Evil 5
  5. 9131Stupid Zombies!
  6. 8146The Saints Row 2 Tornado ruined my weekend
  7. 6640Review: Atlantic Inc.'s JamStand
  8. 6598The Herd of Cats 2008 Pintsie Awards!
  9. 6459The Watchmen - A Review
  10. 6185Only Me....
  11. 5924Herd of Cats Lexicon of Death
  12. 5861Call of Duty WaW — Shi No Numa
  13. 5832"He is his father's son!"
  14. 5814The Evolution of a Christmas present
  15. 5670Anyone own a shovel? The continuing saga...
  16. 5588The Herd of Cats 2008 Pintsie Awards!
  17. 5576Sex Legends
  18. 5570ICFC Lan: the Aftermath
  19. 5492The Herd of Cats 2008 Pintsie Awards!
  20. 5377Morice Revek’s Book Review – HOC Style
  21. 5182Card game rules: Frustration
  22. 5091Marvel Ultimate Alliance: The New Hotness
  23. 5080EVE-Online: How I am back on the crack-cocaine...
  24. 5020The Rules of the Card Game “Frustration"
  25. 4898From the Annals of the Waltville Inquireror - Part 2

I think that Q-Bert's script needs to build in some filters. The Pintsie Awards (which was built across 6 pages) took three spots. And an unpublished Card Game rules page took two spots. It is in the system twice which is a mistake but both of the pages were unpublished and, as such, unseen. I still left them in here. Also a bunch of the stories (but not all) had a substantial amount of cut and paste from other sources.

On the plus side the majority of the top ten stories are all reviews, or what passes for reviews on our site. Also while there was some duplication from the first two lists, there was also some new entries again posted by a varied number of Herd of Cats' members.

It's not an RSS feed: It's a copy and paste of an RSS feed. That's different.It's not an RSS feed: It's a copy and paste of an RSS feed. That's different.Herd of Cats' Top Twenty Five comments by size (again I am assuming the numbers are bytes or characters):

  1. 52003It's no RSS feed...
  2. 4579My advice/analysis (takes you to the main story as the comment is on the second page)
  3. 4249Debriefing Report #1
  4. 4035I am just a male wh*re...
  5. 3939You know what that is?
  6. 3327Maybe it was
  7. 3151Sarcastic...
  8. 3113wrong place for Hero comments
  9. 3040Huzzah!
  10. 2965You should be
  11. 2699Noir's Hero review
  12. 2689Bleh
  13. 2569I think it is time.
  14. 2408Zune HD 3, iPod Touch 35,000
  15. 2362Expert advice:
  16. 2288Last time....
  17. 2282Got it.
  18. 2245Saw the proper episode
  19. 2245NARF!
  20. 2245One step further
  21. 2202Re: asshole
  22. 2193Nope, episode 9
  23. 2100There are many things that need to be pointed out here.
  24. 1997Not as bad as I thought it would be
  25. 1997Response

Coxxorz's copy and paste Number One entry is over ten times the length of Number Two. Ten times!!! Wow. Copy and pasting is almost like cheating. Not in this case though, it was just Coxxorz being lazy!

Hey! I'm not on this list anywhere? What's up with that?

Most verbose commenters (other than Coxxorz blow out Number One) are Moricerevek and Disasterpiece although Coxxorz does pop up a few times after Number One. Moricerevek got top billing as most of Disasterpiece's entries are for the same story.

And Noir! You remember Noir? Noir appeared a few time.

Coxxorz's picture

I said "it's no RSS feed..."

And who is this "Noir" of which you speak?

Blackwalt's picture

But I fixed the glitch that stopped your entry from appearing.

Swag's picture

And two of my threads made it into the top 5 for most comments! Yay!

I still say that you people should see JCVD, Time Magazine said that Van-Damme 'deserves not a black belt, but an oscar".

And in case anyone wants to know where Noir is, he says that he doesn't like how this place has so many Xbox references. In other words, he's a crybaby.

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