You are hereValve claims "It's Microsoft's fault"

Valve claims "It's Microsoft's fault"

By Blackwalt - Posted on 11 September 2009

Says Microsoft is just a profit whoring behemoth

The next DLC for the original Left 4 Dead will be free on PC but cost 560 Microsoft points on Xbox Live. The new DLC wil be an entirely new chapter called Crash Course which fills space between two previous chapters, No Mercy and Death Toll.

    Valve's Chet Faliszek has told Eurogamer that upcoming downloadable Left 4 Dead 1 expansion Crash Course costs money on Xbox Live because Microsoft insisted upon it.

Full story at Eurogamer.

Coxxorz's picture

"Well, they helped us get the first one out for free. We had the one DLC out for free. And I think... they have to look and say, wow, we're kind of being unfair to everybody else if these guys can do that."

Sounds like a lot of pansy-ass backpedalling to me. Either MS is forcing you to charge, or they're not. Don't assume they'll insist without even asking, then cry foul on the internets.

Stormblade's picture

Are we getting this? It's been a while since I've seen Revek in hot pants.

Q-Bert's picture

Thanks for the mental image....

Akuf's picture

He's isn't giving you a lap dance in hot pants

MauriceRevek's picture

Too sexy for these pants,
Too sexy for these pants,
Too sexy for these HOT pants.

And now you have a song stuck in your head.

Swag's picture


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