You are herePreview of Borderlands at CVG

Preview of Borderlands at CVG

By Blackwalt - Posted on 14 September 2009

And a quick refresher on why we are interested

I'll take all the flying things: You take the worm.I'll take all the flying things: You take the worm.

  • four player co-op
  • open world
  • vehicles
  • you get to fight giant sand worms
  • shotty
  • humour
  • Developer history: Half-Life: Opposing Force, Counter-Strike, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Halo: Combat Evolved (co-developer on PC), Brothers in Arms (series)

From Computer and Videogames:

    Coming from the masters of Deadly Serious Series with a Deadly Serious Message, Brothers in Arms, we expected Borderlands to pack a pensive tone. Our last peek certainly gave us that impression. Things have changed. The switch in graphics has clearly altered more than looks, and the opening five minutes now ranks among the most charming and amusing beginnings to any game on the 360.

Full preview.

Although, I am still waiting on the reviews before I pick this up.

Stormblade's picture

I'll follow your lead on this one.

Blackwalt's picture

And Coxxorz as Mordecai the Hunter (of shiny things).

Coxxorz's picture

Is there a demo?

Stormblade's picture

Because I am not much of a sniper and Revek makes a better siren.

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