You are hereI know this is totally unrelated ...

I know this is totally unrelated ...

By Stormblade - Posted on 16 September 2009

... to anything we post here, but I couldn't help it.

It would be freaking hilarious if it wasn't so damn scary!

A Troll's picture

What is amazing about all these idiots is that they felt it was OK to keep spending billions of dollars a month fighting a war. They also fail to realize that Obama didn't create the banking problem or even OK the initial bailouts.  

It was some religious guy from Texas who did all that.

Swag's picture

the fact that most (if not all) of those ignorant fools were religious and/or referencing religion. Things makes sense in that regard.

Swag's picture

So it's probably best if I don't say anything.

Except to say that this is why people hate the USA.

A Troll's picture

The U.S. hates everyone else too. Of course, Great Britain, France and some other countries didn't mind it when the U.S helped them out when they were in a bit of a bind.

Q-Bert's picture

I'm asking myself if Canadians are any better, and I am pretty sure the answer is "yes". I've been many times on the Hill protesting different things, and I don't recall any protest that had anyone holding a sign that couldn't at least tell you the main issue of the protest and specifically what they were against, and specifically what the Government could do to fix it...

A Troll's picture

I would have to say you are over characterizing about the Americans. Of course the news crew is going to seek out those on the fringes, it makes for better ratings.

Q-Bert's picture

Canadians have no identity EXCEPT when they compare themselves to the US. The only thing Canadians are sure of is that they are NOT AMERICANS.

So, if we don't over characterize Americans then we do not exist.

It's not "cogito ergo sum", it's "oppositum American ergo sum".

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