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The Coxxorz Friday Deal of the Day

By Coxxorz - Posted on 25 September 2009

Wal-Mart's ongoing (and otherwise boring) Anniversary Sale has turned up an unexpected gem: an Xbox 360 Arcade unit bundled with Kung Fu Panda and Lego Indiana Jones for just $149. Not the greatest games, but it's something. As most of you will be buying this as a backup unit anyway, there's no point trading them in for a used hard drive either (prizes at your next LAN party?).

The real bonus here is that the Arcade unit in this particular bundle has been confirmed to be the new "Jasper" model. This is the die-shrunk processor that is running at a lower temperature and uses a cooler 12v power supply. According to Microsoft, the Red Ring of Death (which apparently only affected a minimum number of people) is a thing of the past!

Anyway, the deal starts today, and not sure when it ends. So act fast.


UPDATE: In a bold move (and possibly to thwart Price-Matching), Best Buy is now offering their Xbox 360 Arcade for $149 as well. Note that it doesn't come with any bundled games.

To "Hardwood" this deal: Go to Future Whore and get them to price match Wal Mart (save $8). Throw a fit until they include the bundled games as well.

To "Coxxorz" this deal: Order online at BestBuy (link above), and use coupon code PIZZZ010205416642606 to get another $10 off.

Swag's picture

I shouldn't have to buy two of the same thing.

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