You are hereObjective: Enter the Reichstag

Objective: Enter the Reichstag

By Blackwalt - Posted on 29 September 2009

Seems simple enough

Why does this tank have feet?Why does this tank have feet?

So the second last level of Call of Duty World at War single player campaign, Mission 14: Heart of the Reich, ends with the objective Enter the Reichstag. You would think this would be straight forward.

Graybush and I tried, we tried, and tried. And tried some more. I was away from my controller for 10 minutes and during that time, Graybush tried even more. We were stuck.

Blackwalt: "Hang on a sec."

Graybush: "You're looking online aren't you."

Blackwalt: "Well... yeah."

So I found this gem online:

    Keep killing eventually reznov will scream follow me, and then in like 6 seconds a pillar will fall and crush the blockage.

and more importantly,

    ...I found Sgt. Rezov stuck in a wall on the roof of a building, shot him out of the wall and it moved the game along....

"Okay, Graybush, new objective, find Sgt. Rezov." Good thing that the radar shows everyone on your team as a green arrow. Not that it helped.

After another lengthy time stuck in the map and returning to the beginning of the area I got this terse message from Graybush. "Why does this tank have feet?"

And a hat, can't forget the hat.And a hat, can't forget the hat.

We were playing competitive coop mode which subtracts points from your score whenever you shoot friendly troops. We both took a major score hit trying to shoot, stab and explode Sgt. Rezov out of that damn tank.

"You know what Graybush? I consider this a win, let's load up the next level."

On a separate note, Mission 15: Downfall:

Both Graybush and I started with a massively negative score. Something to do with Graybush molotoving Sgt. Rezov as I was emptying a clip of my PPSh-41 into him.

Graybush's picture

That wasn't the first time he screwed us over but it sure was the biggest.

"And as for your grandma, she shouldn't have mouthed off like that...." (H.S.)

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