You are hereThe Coxxorz Thanksgiving Weekend Deal of the Week

The Coxxorz Thanksgiving Weekend Deal of the Week

By Coxxorz - Posted on 12 October 2009

Okay, before everyone goes apeshit thinking you can get this from Future Shop for $7 if you add it to your cart in the next 30 seconds, RELAX. This is just a placeholder for the inevitable deals (and price errors) that do come, and place to discuss the package in the meantime.

The unicorn in question: an Xbox 360 Elite Modern Warfare 2 Limited Edition Bundle.

Currently only available from, this bundle (tentatively) includes the following goodies:

- Xbox 360 Elite console with Modern Warfare 2 paint scheme
- 250 GB hard drive
- 2 black wireless controllers
- black headset
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 game

It's currently listed as being available November 10, with a price of $429 CDN, but has mysteriously disappeared from the U.S. site ( We'll keep you posted on any new developments.

But since you took the time to read this story anyway, you can now go to Sears with their latest flyer in hand, and pick up a 2800 MS points card for the same price as the 1400 as a consolation.


Coxxorz's picture

Well, sort of. is now selling the Xbox 360 Elite Modern Warfare 2 LE bundle for $399, with free shipping.

Remember, this is the one with the 250GB hard drive and TWO controllers included.

And it's black!

Akuf's picture

Considering getting this as my second box.

Coxxorz's picture

Get $20 off purchases of $350-$999 at Future Shop with one of these coupons.

Swag's picture

I just want the game!

Coxxorz's picture

However, some people have expressed an interest in obtaining a second console. And this system's addons (second controller, biggest hard drive ever) seem to make the extra $100 a pretty darn good value.

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