You are hereThe Coxxorz Borderlands Deal of the Week
The Coxxorz Borderlands Deal of the Week
They're at it again: Wal*Mart has set the bar for another new release video game. This time it's Borderlands for $39.96, set for an October 20th release date.
This shouldn't mess with the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 too much, but the potential is there for conflict. What if we really like it? What if everyone buys it and the 4-player co-op is so compelling, we forget about CoD altogether? I don't think I need to remind you about Saints Row. That reminds me, is Stormblade dead again?
I'm curious if this affects anyone's Poll answer about their purchasing plans. It seems most people are pretty tentative about it (German and French visitors notwithstanding). But with a 7-day rental going for a full quarter of the game's retail price, this could shift some from the "rent" to the "buy" camp.
Of course, we could always just wait for Future Shop to screw up and offer it for $10 the next day. I know I'll be staying up extra late that night, refreshing their website in my jammies.
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So EBGames just called to tell me my Borderlands order was in for pickup tomorrow.
Despite the fact that I had canceled earlier that day. He did confirm that they were NOT price matching the $39.99 Walmart price. He also mentioned that he was going to tell me that Walmart was offering it for $40 but that was after I already mentioned it.
I assume he was but you never know, it is EBGames...
Then it must be true that this pricing is a loss leader, and the more people buy it at Wal Mart, the worse for them, and the better for EB Games! Interesting. We'll see how their shortsightedness plays out.
There are degrees of deadness for a zombie such as Stormblade. This is just the "zombie with a new girlfriend" phase. He'll be back.
and he'll be hungry.
for brains.
Having strings...
Just think since I am celibate I may replace him....
*ponders for a minute*
Nah...I will still play the game I will just be a better goalie.
You could be Swag's wingman!
...freakin way in hell (no offence swag)
But I still have a reputation to uphold.
I will be your wingman..
But first you have to change your wardrobe, hairdo and perhaps eyebrow alteration.
But you have to learn the rules of winging and being winged which is easily taught.
I have been 168 hours celibate....i almost lost it at 167 hours volleyball girl #6. Told her I had a headache.
This is quite strange, it's almost like in high school when you kept track of the num....nevermind....I lost that count a long time ago.
Sorry Coxxorz you would have lost.
But buy in $1/hour
Sold at $39! Now I have to hope that EBgames matches the price or I am never getting rid of this EBgames gift card!
I'm changing my vote as well. Might even get in line before midnight as opposed to saving 3 bucks ten hours later at Future Shop.
...Stormblade on eBay