You are hereSerious Sam coming to Xbox Live Arcade

Serious Sam coming to Xbox Live Arcade

By Coxxorz - Posted on 15 October 2009

In a surprise move by series developer Croteam four months ago, Serious Sam is finally poised to arrive on the next gen console (and PC).

Dubbed "Serious Sam HD", the latest entry to the series is actually another remake of the original "Serious Sam: The First Encounter", but with seriously updated graphics. Just like the Xbox version, this one will support up to 4 player online co-op – but hopefully without the lag issues that plagued the original (even in System Link).

If you're new to the Serious Sam universe, try to picture what you'd get if Doom and Stargate had a baby. Yeah, not pretty... but freaking fun! The action is almost non-stop, with wave after wave of terrifyingly insane enemies, capped off by ever-increasing boss sizes. And the end boss– well, I'm not going to spoil it for you. let's just say it's the biggest boss I've ever seen in a game to this day. But don't take my word for it, have a look at some of the game footage and see for yourself:

The game is set to launch October 21, with an expected price of 1200 Microsoft Points. But if you're quick, you can get it for free simply by finding a store willing to price match this little gem in the Sears flyer.

Akuf's picture

To play this so bad
That I dug up my old xbox to find out I no longer have serious sam....

Coxxorz's picture

I have TWO copies.

Akuf's picture

I have a special xbox

So there :p

Coxxorz's picture

I have two Xboxes.

Coxxorz's picture

So launch day has come and gone, and no sign of the new Sam on Xbox Live (I guess the MS product page's listed release date of "TBD" was accurate after all). Although many projected release dates have come and gone, the developers are remaining irritatingly vague about the game's official arrival (I guess there's no word in Croatian equivalent to "deadline").

Anyway, the popular guess now is that the game will be available on November 11, 2009, as predicted here and here. I guess the heathens don't have any war veterans to commemorate over there, either.

Akuf's picture

According to Gamespot Dec 31, 2009???

once again grrr....

Akuf's picture

THis is a definite add for sure.

I used love playing this on the old xbox and the PC
Totally great fun....

And 4player online coop!!!!

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