You are hereGearbox responds to Borderlands shortages

Gearbox responds to Borderlands shortages

By Coxxorz - Posted on 21 October 2009

Looks like it's not really a case of Wal*Mart bluffing the other guys into selling all their Borderlands copies at a loss.

Joystiq reports:
"Gearbox's Steve Gibson has contacted Joystiq regarding the matter, noting that the shortage is mostly limited to the Xbox 360 version, particularly on the east coast. Gibson states that Gearbox is "working with production and distribution at ramping up to catch up with demand," adding that fresh copies should hit "as early as Thursday or Friday."

Seeing as Wal*Mart's $40 deal ends Thursday, this is most troubling development. I recommend everybody get a raincheck from their local Wally World ASAP, and start hunting down rental copies. Because I'll be darned if I'm gonna pay full pop for this now.

Sorry Graybush.

Akuf's picture

You sure walmart will give a rain check for this?

Hmmm gonna head to lincoln fields in a few minutes.
Try this out

Coxxorz's picture

Some do, some don't. I figure your odds are better than most.

Especially if it's a dude at the Customer Service counter.

Akuf's picture

Earlier buddy said no...

Coxxorz's picture

Electronics, or the CS desk?

Akuf's picture

Will attempt again later...

Akuf's picture

Isn't it funny how both best buy and futureshop on merivale suddenly have many of copies for $70?

Yeah shortage indeed :p

Coxxorz's picture

Still showing as Out Of Stock online.

Akuf's picture

At Best Buy they had those 'cards' and when I went by the cage there were a few copies there.

At futureshop there were about 10 copies on the shelf

this was around 6pm

Coxxorz's picture

That is interesting. My web orders there all got turned down. Hmmm.

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