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Borderlands: Best Skill Ever!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 30 October 2009

Just stand still for a second.

So you all knew which Borderlands character I would be choosing well in advance. As if the name and shotgun specialty weren't enough along comes the skill Cauterize.


Shooting team members heals them. This effect also works with grenades and rockets.

Because the game wasn't fun enough!

I don't even have to aim! Wait for the big cluster of bad guys and team members and just fire into center mass! Rockets and grenades too! Bad guys get hurt, good guys get healed.

It turned more humorous after big battles when team members would turn to me and ask to be shot! Like they need to ask!

While my shots don't hurt them it does have the same physical effect as an enemy shot, their character feels the impact with a bit of a rumble effect and a shaking screen. So sometimes when I was healing them with out permission (hardly ever, honest) they would spin around looking for the enemy.

"Stormblade, stand still for a second."

Stormblade's picture

that I never asked you to heal me. That was the other two losers. I would rather die than be shot-healed by you.

It's really aggravating, actually. Which is, I'm sure, why you do it continuously.

Coxxorz's picture

And I'm frantically working my way down the upgrade chain. Guess how it's going to heal you?!

Akuf's picture

Mordecai (me too, I just wish I had as much time as you guys to play)
Blackwalt is Roland
Last I saw Graybush is Brick.
Does this mean Stormblade is Lilith?

Coxxorz's picture

We're saving that for Revek. Made sense to have a vacuum cleaner for the girl.

Stormblade's picture

That is so wrong on so many levels!!

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