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Skagzilla vs. the Herd of Cats

By Blackwalt - Posted on 03 November 2009

Big Game hunters in Borderlands

That's one big Skag: Even Half-pint couldn't eat it all (in one sitting)That's one big Skag: Even Half-pint couldn't eat it all (in one sitting)

Why am I always the one stuck out of the shot taking the picture? I was there too you know! Yes it's out of focus, I was disgruntled.

So last night the three of us "bounty hunters" took on Skagzilla (Side Mission 24 Big Game Hunter). It's really disheartening to use your best and biggest weapon against a Giant Skag and see his health bar not even twitch. "Uh oh!"

It was a long battle (I managed to dispense my turret three times during the battle) and we all ran out of ammo but we emerged triumphant! All three of us leveled up and gained some good loot!

Separate note:

When did I become Graybush's sugar daddy?

  • a 241 shield
  • $34000 class mod
  • two berserker incendiary Artifact
  • sniper rifle
  • a purple(!) class mod

How come I never find any good Soldier mods! It's always berserker this and berserker that. Enough already!

He's powering up across the board and I'm struggling to just to get by! Where's the love for me?

Coxxorz's picture

And the last time we gave the camera to a resident of Pandora, well... let's just say we didn't get it back.

Stormblade's picture

My afraid my gaming time is dropping to nothing and you guys are getting too far ahead. I guess my next coop will be COD MW2.

Blackwalt's picture

Particularly if you are in a higher ranked player's game.

Money and experience flows into the lower ranked player. Admittedly it's hard to stay alive but it is quick to advance. And better loot/weapons are available.

Akuf's picture

Stormblade just doesn't want to be Lilith.

Though more than one player can use the same character FYI.

Stormblade's picture

I'm Tank, like Graybush. Although it fits me better.

We've saved Lilith for Revek.

Graybush's picture

is like a personification of my managerial power. Only Hardwood seems to be immune to my influence (perhaps because of how little I pay him... or the fact he doesn't need the job).

Stormblade's picture

Actually, I think you're compensating for something ...

Akuf's picture

And you are not...

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