You are hereTwitter Peek, because we need more pointless electronics
Twitter Peek, because we need more pointless electronics
It tweets and... well... it tweets
I thought that I had Stormblade's christmas gift already picked out. But then this came along. It's the perfect gift for him.
Yes, it's a mobile electronic device that twitters and... that's all it does.
$199 to be able to twitter remotely. $99 if you only want a six month contract. The $199 price includes lifetime service.
So it tweets. No email. No e-reader. No texting.
$199 for a one dimensional handheld electronic device.
PS- I'm only going to get him the six month contract
Via Gizmodo
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What's with the sudden reversal of technology, where apps are now becoming hardware? I expect we'll soon be seeing an MSNpod or a FaceBox.
I could tweet 'I hate Blackwalt' messages all day long.
The only problem is I don't tweet. How on earth can you take yourself at all seriously if you tweet? I mean, really.