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The age old debate begins again...

By Blackwalt - Posted on 17 October 2007

Xbox video games vs Education fund. With $165.0486850176726614176093708922016 to spend, what to do becomes a great debate.

"Daddy, Daddy, I need to be edumacated!"

"No, no, no, lots of time for that. Give me my money, I need to play Orange Box and PGR4."


"It's over rated! Just look at Stormblade and Moricerevek. They turned out okay. Sort of, if you squint... Anyway, look, no Edumactaion.... more 360 games. Let go, besides, COD4 is coming out soon..."


"No, no fire trucks. Let go."


"Now I know that's how you pronounce truck but there is no need for that kind of language!"


"No, No, No. My money, my Xbox 360 games... No give me my money."

"F**k! FF**k! F**k! My money now!"

Coxxorz's picture

Find a mod that makes the Wraith red, then tell him it's a fire truck. We need to start training a driver to replace Ice...

Ice's picture

You know I can't drive it if it isn't beige.

Blackwalt's picture

After watching Rolly fly at MoriceRevek's party he's already passed Ice's skill level.

Q-Bert's picture

You have to use the 360 as educamattion...

I bought Orange Box and forced Gabba to play Portal. Now she is edumactated and I have a 360 game.

Meanwhile, Bouzie is learning vital lightsaber techniques in playing Lego SW on 360.

Oh, and if your definition of "turned out ok" is "Lives in Q-Bert's basement", then yeah, I guess.

MauriceRevek's picture

I am declaring my independance! Or is it emancipation? I am leaving Q-Berts basement.

Oh, and Lego Star Wars is coming out on the Wii in November. Finally, a light saber in your hands! No pun intended....

Coxxorz's picture

You mean someone else's lightsaber in your hands.

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