You are hereBest Buy opening at Midnight for MW2 release

Best Buy opening at Midnight for MW2 release

By Coxxorz - Posted on 06 November 2009

Just in case you're one of the three people in the country who still hasn't pre-ordered Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Best Buy is holding a midnight opening on launch day. (Tuesday, November 10).

I believe today is the last day to preorder in-store, so this is a good way to make sure you're among the very first to play (besides that jerk at EB Games who I'm sure has a copy at home).

There is no swag being handed out that I know of, but attendees will be eligible to win one of those semi-cool COD Xbox 360 limited edition consoles. More details about the opening and the contest here.

P.S.: Quebec sucks.

Coxxorz's picture

Not to be outdone by their parent company, they're opening a whopping two minutes earlier than BB, and offering dog tags for the first 100 people. At three stores. In all of Canada.

Coxxorz's picture

Apparently Best Buy made some sort of connection between modern warfare and monsters, and is offering a pack of Monster energy drinks to the first 75 customers at opening.

From past experience, it's pretty easy to be in the first 50, but this is simply not a very good incentive to line up in the cold, dark BB parking lot. And I did it for a Grand Theft Auto 4 hat. Although if others were planning on going, I could be convinced to convert my online order to a store pickup one.

Q-Bert's picture

Quebecers happen to appreciate their sleep....

Coxxorz's picture

And I suppose they like not being allowed to turn right on red?

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