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What could this be?

By Blackwalt - Posted on 12 November 2009

No idea.

Of course, Canada Post still thinks it's in Mississauga.

Stormblade's picture

Future Shop canceled my order at some point, for some reason, and I never noticed.

I am now debating passing on this game altogether, or until I can get it cheap on eBay. Honestly, my biggest interest in it was getting the goggles.

Fortunately, I have 5 or 6 games I haven't played.

That really sucks!

Coxxorz's picture

If you just want the game for now. $60 cash up front.

Stormblade's picture

Lost all motivation after falling behind to start with and then the Future Shit thing. Assassins Creed 2 comes out next week. Think I'll go for that.

Stormblade's picture

Mine's waiting for me in Arundel. Of course, I am in Petawawa with strep, tonsillitis, mono, or whatever, so who knows when I will get to see it.

I'm figuring I will be so far behind everyone in both Borderlands and MW2, that I will just wait for AC2 and burn my eyes out until you guys get bored.

fungster88's picture

Mine came in a rigid middle size brown envelope. Shipped on 9th via Canada Post, Received on the 12th late morning (supposed to be delivered on the 10th). Also according to the CP website, it teleported from Mississauga facility to Ottawa delivery truck. No other entry in track history.

Swag's picture

Assuming that you ordered what I think you ordered.

Coxxorz's picture


Swag's picture


Akuf's picture

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