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I am

By Akuf - Posted on 15 November 2009

Kind of intrigued by this:

Guba's picture


Ice's picture

For $105.

Maybe Coxxor can find an online deal!

Stormblade's picture

Quick Coxxorz, Ice could use one.

Akuf's picture

Life dolls go on sale.

Right Swag?

Akuf's picture

Sorry that killed me

Thanks Guba!

Coxxorz's picture

Got a link to the product description?

Akuf's picture

For a guy the keeps making fun of me when it comes to this kinda the bloody pic!

Coxxorz's picture

So it's basically one of these, but without the hard drives.

Blackwalt's picture

But thanks for coming out.

D-Link is a NAS.

Cinematube is a mediaplayer.

Your mockery would have been more accurate if we were talking about an Iomega ( which doesn't offer an install your own drives option.

BTW Aku, your Xbox 360 does most of what the CinemaTube does and you already have one so you may want to try using it first.

Akuf's picture

Well...I have tried streaming with XP Pro. And it doesn't work.
And No I will NOT USE VISTA and no I WILL NOT USE WIndows 7 Revek.

Blackwalt's picture

But it was a while ago...

I remember having to update windows media player and then sharing my video folder.

Also opening my firewall.

I followed an online guide which I can't seem to find.

There are third party applications like

Akuf's picture

Well I have tried with this WMP 11 update or whatever it is.

I know the guide you speak of I followed it as well with no success.
Found this though:

I have downloaded and if you recall not too long ago I posted this:

I may also attempt this with the PS3. As far as I know Graybush is the only person with a PS3 here, have you tried this?

Haven't really researched it yet. But will one day.

Graybush's picture

I've been meaning to try it and I've heard it works well but since I have everything in the man-cave already it's been on the back burner. That plus I'm lazy. I'm sure one day I'll get arou

Coxxorz's picture
Coxxorz's picture

Still am, actually. No guides or firewalls required.

Coxxorz's picture

Why pay almost the same money for something that still requires your PC to be turned on? I can understand if you don't need the network storage feature. But seems to make more sense to me to either use your Xbox & PC, or your TV & NAS. Not TV and PC and New Thing.

MauriceRevek's picture

If you combine it with a Windows 7 PC and a TV tuner card, you have a PVR which you play from your 360.

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