You are hereWhat to do with old PC games
What to do with old PC games
Before there was an X-Box 360. Before there was an X-Box. There was, PC games. We used to have fun getting together, playing Battlefield. Err. Wait a minute. Let me start that over.
Before there was an X-Box 360. Before there was an X-Box. There was, PC games. We used to have fun getting together, install video drivers, find network cables, install lan adapters, download patch after patch after patch, and THEN, play about 5 minutes of Battlefield.
I have started reorganizing and moving around my office, and came across my still packed box of PC games. These run from the classic Oblivion, Morrowind to Tropphy Bass Hunter / Deer Hunter combination (which Blackwalt and I have traded over the past few years as a regift item).
Now I am left to wonder, what do I do with all of these gems? Do the places like EB-Games still take them? Will they look at most of my games and ask me to pay them to take them? Can they still work on Windows 7?
Maybe I will give them away at the next lan party as door prizes! Yes, you could have your very own copy of Battlecruiser 3000AD! (I'm saving Trophy Bass hunter / Deer Hunter for that special person.... Did you hang your stocking yet Stormblade? Santa has a gift for you! Promise, no viruses!) I also have Daikatana! We all know how much fun when we had a lan party for that game!
So. any ideas? Recommendations? Any body want some old PC games? Swag?
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But I doubt that anything capable of reading a Hollerith card could be considered a "PC".
Yes, I am old enough to have used these. :-(
I've still got a large stack of these cards.
Now to find a card reader.
Paper thin, not sensitive to magnetism. Way ahead of its time.
Give them to swaggy!
Although I currently have too many games, I can always use more.
It would help if you made a list of which ones you have. But I know that you have System Shock 2 and Tron 2.0, the former being one of my favorite games of all time and the latter being just cool looking. So if you don't mind parting with those that would be great!
May not be playable on your system. I tried a couple of years ago, and was not able to make it work. You can come over and take a look. I'll try to go through the box tomorrow and make a list.
I have played it on my current computer, and I don't remember having to change much, although I did use a high-rez model pack for the enemies.
As for Tron 2.0, I feel like de-rezzing some fools.