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The Coxxorz Saturday Deal of the Week

By Coxxorz - Posted on 25 November 2009

Yes, I know it's only Wednesday. But this is a timely offer that may appeal to one of the Herd.

This weekend only as part of their "Big 2 Day Event", Wal Mart will be once again offering the Xbox 360 Arcade for $149. There are no bundled games worth mentioning, but if you're replacing a Red Ring unit on short notice, this should fit the bill nicely. These should all be HDMI units by now, and a little diligence may even get you a "Jasper" chipset model, which represents Microsoft's latest half-hearted attempt to solve the RROD "problem".

Also of note is EA Sports' NHL 10 for $39.93 (all consoles), presumably Wal Mart's latest salvo in the ongoing price war with their retail competitors.

I apologize for the French flyer shots, but their English (Ontario) flyer doesn't come out until Friday. As with previous Wal Mart offers, these are not "sale" prices, but rather "limited time offers", so I recommend jumping on them ASAP. You'll have to wait til Saturday to get the Xbox, but if you're in a particular province, you may be able to get your LNH fix immediatement.

Akuf's picture

This would make for a really crappy glass of wine.

Parazine is when when lady bug parts have been mixed into the grapes.

I would shudder to think what a wine would taste like with Stormblade and xbox parts in it....

Coxxorz's picture

There are a couple ways to tell if you have the latest Xbox 360 hardware revision (codename "Jasper"), but here is the best way that doesn't involve first taking the unit apart.

Basically, you peek in the hole in the cardboard box where they expose the enclosed unit's serial number. Some wiggling may be required, but you should be able to see the voltage rating to the left. If it reads "12V - 14.2A", that's the older "Falcon" model. If it says "12V - 12.1A", that's the lower-power Jasper. Buy it.

Some Jasper Arcade boxes also indicate the internal memory is now 512MB right on the packaging (instead of the usual 256), but this is not a dependable identifier.

Swag's picture

I have the falcon model.......

Coxxorz's picture

I'll keep an eye out for your replacement Xbox in a few weeks.

At least you don't have my 16.5A model. The lights dim when I get a double kill.

Akuf's picture

NHL10 $40....hmmm...

I think this may just happen.

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