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Almost forgotten

By Blackwalt - Posted on 01 December 2009

In all the brouhaha over Left 4 dead 2

Dragon Age: Origins (and NHL 10) is also on sale for $39.99 at Future Shop and Best Buy. I know a lot of HoC like this style of RPG. Developed by Bioware and scoring 88% at Game rankings.

    From the makers of Mass Effect, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Baldur's Gate comes Dragon Age: Origins, an epic tale of violence, lust, and betrayal. The survival of humanity rests in the hands of those chosen by fate. You are a Grey Warden, one of the last of an ancient order of guardians who have defended the lands throughout the centuries.

Remember if you can't find it at Future Shop or Best Buy grab a copy of the flyer to Walmart and they will price match. They really like to have a printed copy of any deal they price match.

Swag's picture

The PC version is significantly better (for various gameplay related reasons).

Swag's picture

But fine, I'll explain myself since nobody believed me.

From Gamespot

" PC owners get the most versatile and rewarding experience in this regard. You can zoom the camera in to a close third-person view when exploring and conversing with non-player characters, or pull the camera back to a tactical view, which makes it a breeze to quickly and easily micromanage every spell and attack, in true Baldur's Gate tradition. On consoles, you always view the action from behind a single character, and you use a shoulder button to switch among them. It's a great way of experiencing the buzz of battle, though occasional pathfinding quirks are more apparent in the console versions, simply because you experience the action from a single perspective at a time, rather than while managing four characters simultaneously."


"On the PC, they're particularly challenging, and many battles benefit from frequent pausing and tactical thinking, so that you can queue up attacks across your entire party. The same battles on consoles are noticeably easier."


The PC version is the superior experience, but if you're choosing between the two console releases, the PlayStation 3 has the upper hand. Some minor glitches are shared between the console versions, however, such as rare occasions when the soundtrack or voice-overs disappear.

MauriceRevek's picture

The PC version is vastly superior to the console version. Better graphics, better control (you just can't beat the mouse + keyboard combination) and more content. Yes! In the PC version, you can be entertained by a MALE GAY SEX cut scene!

There you go Aku. That was a free one. Flame away.

Blackwalt's picture

I did not disparage your advice. I don't necessarily disagree with it either.

However. It doesn't apply to Mac users or console gamers. It also is false for anyone who has a non-gaming capable PC (it does happen).

"Do NOT get Dragon age for the Xbox" is harsh and misleading. It says the Xbox version is crap. Which is not the case. The PC version is better, sure, but this does not mean all others versions are crap.

You are doing a disservice to Dragon Age: Origins on all other platforms. Not as good, sure, not good? no.

You have taken the advice that the PC version is better and translated it to the PC version is the only version. This is not the same thing.

Although it has made for good debate and content for the site and that is always good.

So buy the PC version first, sure, but buy the Xbox 360 version (or PS3 version) if that is how you play games. I don't accept that a Bioware game is a poor product just because it on a console. And I don't think that is what your sources are saying either. Gamespot scores: PC - 9.5, PS3 - 9.0, Xbox - 8.5.

Swag's picture

I am trying to tone down m sarcasm, as it is usually missed on here.

If I really wanted to make an actual case about which version was better, then I wouldn't have phrased it the way I originally did. I didn't say that the Xbox version was crap, nor did I imply it, only that it wasn't the definite version. Like you pointed out, the xbox version still got a great score.

Obviously if you don't have a gaming PC that the point is moot, but I figured that most of you do. And if not, well just consider the fact that the game is significantly different on the PC. So if you wanted a Baldur's Gate experience, then you aren't going to get it.

And as for Stormblade's comment about Xbox having a better community gaming experience, I totally agree. But I don't know how that applies here, nor did I mention anything about it, as Dragon Age is a single player game.

MauriceRevek's picture

Logic + Stormblade = Oil + water


fir + ice


poutine + weight loss

Stormblade's picture

I've just been abused by the invisible man.

You know, we've needed a Siren in Borderlands, you cuss.

Akuf's picture

poutine + weight loss

meaning you?

Sorry couldn't resist.

MauriceRevek's picture

I don't poutine. And I am down 20+ lbs.

Swag's picture


MauriceRevek's picture

I will have to change my avatar and put my real body there.

Finally, I can take my head off of Stormblade's body.

By the way, thanks whoever did that.

Q-Bert's picture

How ? You put your cat on the ground ?

MauriceRevek's picture

It's so nice to get support from one's own familly. I can feel the love. Or wait. Maybe it was an attempt at wit. To wit or not to wit. Or maybe just twit. Yeah, I think the later.

Akuf's picture

would like to congratulate you...

But you still don't eat vegetables!

MauriceRevek's picture

Broccoli and bruxcell sprouts. And most vegetables in a soupor stew. Just not raw.

Stormblade's picture

Brussels Sprouts are evil incarnate. Even dousing them in gasoline doesn't kill them (yes, I've tried). Pigs won't eat them.

This explains much.

MauriceRevek's picture

Stormblade does not eat Brussels sprouts.

Pigs don't eat Brussels spouts.

Is there a connection that we don't know about?

Coxxorz's picture

That smothering anything in melted butter and salt makes it delicious.

Failing that, you could always bring out the Tactical Bacon.

Graybush's picture

tactical baayyycon......... hlughkllalchllughaahhh (phlegm)

Blackwalt's picture

You know, "how do you lose 20 lbs of ugly fat?"

But I admit, the cat theory makes more sense.

Coxxorz's picture

I, for one, look forward to seeing the new leaner, meaner MoriceRevek. Unless it means no more massive pots of delicious chili!

MauriceRevek's picture

The annual Maurice Revek Close To New Year's Eve Lan party will have lots of chili, and multiple hot sauces to season it.

Maybe this would be a good time to add a new survey for the prefered date. Then we can post it on the calendar. I have collected large stash of door prizes. For Q-Bert, they all came from the litter box. So has the meat in your special just for Q-Burp chili.

Q-Bert's picture

and he SCORES!

Akuf's picture

My Bong Sao would have stopped him then I would have followed it up with a Pak Dah and a series of punches to the throat and chest.

MauriceRevek's picture

I would have been stopped just by your Stnkee Pheat.

Q-Bert's picture

... yet very funny.

Stormblade's picture

Sure PC games are better IF you have the PC to support them and play single-player. They are also only better IF you do not do community gaming. The XBox gaming experience, which is what I was talking about, is far superior to the PC. If it wasn't, I would still game on the PC because, as Blackwalt can attest to, I heavily resisted the switch to consoles. I only did so when it was clear the PC games could no longer keep up and trying to maintain a PC capable of playing the games became cost prohibitive.

So, yeah we're old, but we're way beyond you in this, young guy.

Coxxorz's picture

Now off to bed with you!

Stormblade's picture

would rather have out teeth removed with rusty pliers than play games on a PC, the advice is pointless.

Akuf's picture

I don't agree with: would rather have out teeth removed with rusty pliers than play games on a PC but you did say most. Then again I haven't gamed on the PC since the WoW days with QBert and Revek.

But I 100% agree with this the advice is pointless but I think it should be rephrased as Your (swag) advice is always pointless.

Q-Bert's picture

Is it "pee on Swag" day or something ?

Cuz I received no official invite...

Blackwalt's picture

Not exactly.

Akuf's picture

Officially invited...

Coxxorz's picture

I refuse to purchase this game for any platform, based on the name alone. I'm still bitter from "Panzer Dragoon", which had neither Panzers nor Dragoons.

Blackwalt's picture

Particularly for Mac users, Linux users and those who only play games on their consoles.

Although, those of you with sufficiently powered Windows boxes may prefer the PC version of Dragon Age: Origins which is also on sale.

Akuf's picture

But if you wish I can eliminate a certain virus the seems to think he is swifter than everyone else. Consider it a favour, however, be aware one day I will call upon you for assistance as well.

Coxxorz's picture

Wal*Mart does require an actual printed copy of a flyer to pricematch against. But on the other hand, they rarely call to verify store stock.

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