You are hereHow-To: Make a Left 4 Dead Level using Google Sketchup

How-To: Make a Left 4 Dead Level using Google Sketchup

By Q-Bert - Posted on 11 December 2009

This one is for Swag. I think it is high time for him to show us his leet skillz and mock up a L4D(2) level with one of our houses.
I propose my house and land.

Check it out.

Swag's picture

Thanks for this post.

But from what I read (didn't read the whole thing) it just amounts to planting objects in an environment from stock databases, and not really making anything. Any sissy can do that.

I also try to avoid following step-by step tutorials anymore as it's better to just figure it out yourself (although it may take longer).

I have used Google Sketchup in the past for blocking out environments though, but other than that I have no use for it when I can just use a real program (3DSMax, Photoshop, Zbrush or even Blender).

You know this reminds me, in the past I did consider posting my portfolio on here, but I didn't want it to be ridiculed in any way (coupled with the fact that it has my personal info in it). Oh well, probably still a bad idea.

Q-Bert's picture

... is to have Aku post *his* portfolio as well. And I ain't talking about his drawings.

Akuf's picture

I would, but PG-13 remember?

But, I know you know how to find the good portfolio, and I am not talking about facebook either

fungster88's picture

want to able to browse HoC during lunch time and eat my food!

Also, Aku's portolio may make this site inappropriate for work environment!

Akuf's picture


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